MBTI professional personality free online test | official 93-question standard version

MBTI professional personality free online test | official 93-question standard version

Character/Personality 50 4 Minutes 2973

This test is the official 93-question free test version of the MBTI Type 16 Personality Test.

MBTI is the abbreviation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), which is a tool used to assess personality type. It was developed by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers in the early 20th century and is based on the psychological theories of Carl Jung to help people better understand themselves and others by assessing personality types and Make better decisions about career, education, relationships and more.

The MBTI assesses personality type based on four dimensions, each of which contains two extremes, namely:

  1. Character tendency (Extraversion, E) and introversion (Introversion, I): This dimension reflects the way people obtain energy. People with personality tendencies prefer to interact with others and focus on external environments and stimulation, while people with introversion tendencies pay more attention to internal thoughts and emotions and prefer to think and reflect alone.
  2. Sensing (S) and Intuition (N): This dimension reflects the way people obtain information. People with a sensory orientation pay more attention to specific facts and details, and like to use experience and direct feelings to understand things, while people with an intuitive orientation prefer to focus on the essence and potential meaning of things, and understand things through guessing and inference.
  3. Thinking (T) and Feeling (F): This dimension reflects the way people make decisions. People with thinking tendencies pay more attention to logic, analysis and objectivity, and like to use facts and principles to make decisions, while people with emotional tendencies pay more attention to personal values and feelings, and like to use emotions and human feelings to make decisions.
  4. Judging tendency (Judging, J) and perceiving tendency (Perceiving, P): This dimension reflects people’s attitude towards life. People with a judging tendency prefer to plan and organize their lives, focusing on advance arrangements and control, while people with a perceiving tendency prefer to be flexible and adapt to changes.

The four dimensions are like four rulers. Each person’s personality will fall at a certain point on the ruler. If this point is close to that endpoint, it means that the individual has preferences in that aspect. For example, on the first dimension, if an individual’s personality is closer to the extroversion end, it is more extroverted, and the closer to the end point, the stronger the preference. By combining these four dimensions, the MBTI is able to generate 16 personality types, each with its own unique characteristics, strengths and weaknesses.

If you’re looking for a reliable MBTI test, you’ve come to the right place. We offer the official MBTI test, which will help you determine your personality type and provide you with relevant career advice.

The MBTI test is based on 16 different personality types, each with its own unique characteristics and tendencies. Here is a brief description of each type:

  1. ISTJ: Practical, concrete, logical, reliable.
  2. ISFJ: Careful, diligent, loyal, and responsible.
  3. INFJ: Thoughtful, visionary, missionary, and idealistic.
  4. INTJ: Visionary, rational, planned, and decisive.
  5. ISTP: Calm, concrete, practical, and flexible.
  6. ISFP: Kind, pacifist, sensitive, artistic.
  7. INFP: Idealistic, creative, loyal, and caring.
  8. INTP: Deep thinking, logical, independent, and curious.
  9. ESTP: Brave, confident, flexible, adventurous.
  10. ESFP: Passionate, optimistic, adaptable, and social.
  11. ENFP: Creative, optimistic, fantasy, curious.
  12. ENTP: Thoughtful, curious, logical, and creative.
  13. ESTJ: Pragmatic, strong organizational skills, decisive, and responsible.
  14. ESFJ: friendly, responsible, traditional, cooperative.
  15. ENFJ: Compassion, leadership, imaginative, visionary.
  16. ENTJ: Decisive, visionary, leadership skills, good organization.

By taking the MBTI test, you can better understand your personality characteristics and strengths, and then find a career direction that is more suitable for you. Our FREE MBTI TEST will provide you with a detailed report telling you your personality type, your strengths and weaknesses, and your career advice.

Each person’s personality type can be determined through testing. The test consists of a series of multiple-choice questions, with answers chosen by individuals to determine their preferences on each dimension and, based on these preferences, to determine their personality type. The test result is a four-letter abbreviation, such as ISTJ, ENFP, etc., which represents different personality types.

The MBTI test can be used in career selection, team building, communication and conflict resolution. It can help individuals better understand their own personality types and behavioral tendencies, help team members better understand and collaborate with each other, and promote work efficiency and success.

It should be noted that any test has limitations. The MBTI personality test can help us better understand a person’s personality traits, but we cannot infer a person’s psychological characteristics just from a single test result. If you want to truly examine a person, you must use multiple methods and angles to examine it, and then use psychological test results for auxiliary analysis. Only in this way can you get a more reliable and objective result.

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Advanced: MBTI Advanced Personality File

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