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What will you gain from your next job?

Workplace/career 2 1 minute
Every work experience in life is so worth cherishing, the first job, the most valuable job, the job that makes you feel wronged... When you have to leave school and enter the society to find a job, what are you thinking about? What is it? Is it an ideal? Is it a future? Or is it an imminent livelihood problem? What can your next job bring you? Take the test.

How far can you go on the road to weight loss?

Mental/Health 5 1 minute
Many obese people have this trouble: after finally losing weight, they accidentally gain weight again! 'Regaining weight' is not a simple matter of regaining weight. Suddenly gaining weight and losing weight will increase the proportion of body fat. In the end, losing weight will become a luxury. Based on your living habits, you can detect whether you have a body type that is prone to weight gai...

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