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Test your chances of meeting a plastic flower sister

You will pass by many people in your life, who may be called passers-by or indispensable friends. There are also many fake friends who will give you headaches. Just like Sister Yi in 'That Year the Flowers Bloomed and the Moon Was Full', or An Lingrong in 'The Legend of Zhen Huan', they are such characters. They were once trustworthy friends around the protagonist, but later due to personal intere...

Test how close you are to the working poor

Workplace/career 1 1 minute
For the sake of salary and livelihood, many people have to struggle in the workplace. Many newcomers are able to successfully adapt to their workplace roles, complete the transition to a new workplace, and become favored by their seniors when they enter a new company. Want to know if you are a favored professional? Let’s enter the test together!

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