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psychological test
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Test how ambitious you are

Workplace/career 3 1 minute
In the fast-paced modern life, each of us faces various pressures and challenges. Work, family, social activities – these can all be sources of stress for us. But how do we find balance and relieve stress in our busy lives? This fun psychological test will help you understand your tendencies when faced with stress and how these tendencies reflect your career ambitions. Through simple multiple-cho...

HBSC Family Wealth Scale (FAS II) 2nd Edition Online Review

Wealth/Investment 2 1 minute
HBSC Family Wealth Scale (FAS II) 2nd Edition Online Review
The Family Affluence Scale (FAS) is a scale developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) school-age children's health behavior research team. It is designed to assess the material wealth levels of families with school-age children through a series of easy-to-answer questions. The FAS scale is a quantitative assessment tool used to infer a family's material affluence. The FAS scale is based on...

Can you live out your remaining years in a happy marriage?

family/marriage 1 1 minute
'The most beautiful thing is the red sunset, warm and calm.' When the most beautiful sunset shines on your face, will there be someone by your side with whom you can spend the rest of your life? People often say that when they are young, a couple stays with them until old age. Indeed, when people enter old age, they quit their jobs and return to their families wholeheartedly. The couple becomes t...

Psychological test: Is your family warm?

family/marriage 1 1 minute 1
Family is the cradle of a person's growth and one of the most important parts of a person's life. A warm family environment can make people feel at ease and happy, and it also has a significant impact on a person's growth and development. In a warm family, the relationship between family members is harmonious, respectful and supportive of each other. There is sufficient communication and communic...

Borrowing a boat to cross the river is a psychological test that can see through your human nature and desires!

Mental/Health 2 2 minute 1
The subconscious mind is a bridge between the human mind and the infinite wisdom of the universe. Research has proven that we can use the subconscious mind as a medium to use less than 10% of the functions that humans currently cannot understand. Think about it, only this less than 10% of abilities has created today's technology and progress, so what is left? What kind of state can the 90% functio...

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