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How dominant are you in your marriage?

family/marriage 1 1 minute
How do you usually deal with things about him or her? Are you a very controlling person? Even if he or she chats with someone, he or she must ask for your permission? What kind of games should I ask you first? Also, have you planned out the placement of daily necessities for him/her, so you can’t just place them randomly? Come and see, how dominant are you in your marriage?

Are you a dominance freak?

Character/Personality 4 4 minute 1
Control is what most of us crave, but some people crave it more than others. And many people will do whatever it takes to get it. For these people, having more control over their lives and those around them can reduce tension. In fact, they will find that there are so few things they can control and dominate, and pursuing too much control is often counterproductive. Are you such a person? You ...

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