Popular tags: friend

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Test who around you really cares about you

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 minute 2
Although we deal with all kinds of people every day, there are not many people with whom we can really talk to each other, and even fewer who can get the other person to care. And for these people who really care about us, we must know how to cherish them even more. So, how many people around you really care about you? Do a test.

Test whether you are a popular person

We all don’t want to be left out, and we like to be welcomed in any situation. Whether you can be liked by the people around you will determine the size of your circle of friends and will also affect your career development. If you want to know if the people around you like you, just take a social test to find out.

Test your relationships through drinking

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 minute 1
Why sometimes the interpersonal relationship is not good? In fact, many people want to use tests to judge whether there is a problem. Whether the interpersonal relationship is good or not can be done through some psychological tests. Then the results of the psychological tests are See what relationships are like.

Measure the number of invalid social media around you

Many times we are taught that we can’t just live in our own world. We should go out and communicate with others more, accumulate some connections, and have more friends and more paths! This is true, but how much of the various social interactions every time you go out are effective social interactions? In fact, you can't see for yourself who is sincere to you and who is fake. You might as well tak...

Test your image in the minds of your friends

Sometimes friends know your personality and your essence very well. So they naturally know your reaction to something happening. Time flies by, and many friends gradually fade away, but there are still those friends who can soften the time. The older I get, the more I realize that the carnival of a group of people is actually the loneliness of a group of people. The friends you left behind are all...

Test your popularity index

Some people hang out with friends all day long, but it seems that everyone has a good relationship, but in fact, few of them are really close to each other. But some people have few friends, but they are all brothers who are willing to do anything to help each other. So how good is your relationship with your friends? Let’s test your popularity.

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