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Healthy Eating Knowledge Test

Mental/Health 10 3 minute
When it comes to health, diet is a vital aspect. No matter what stage of life we are in, we should pay attention to a healthy diet to ensure that we are getting a variety of nutrients and appropriate calories to maintain the growth and function of body tissues. Now, let’s take a healthy eating knowledge test together! This test focuses on dietary knowledge. Are you very concerned about your eatin...

Test the working mode that suits you best

Workplace/career 10 2 minute
Have you ever felt confused at a crossroads in life? As the graduation bell is about to ring, are you thinking about your future career path? Or after several years of hard work in the workplace, you are still unsure about your career direction? Don't worry, this psychological test designed just for you may be able to point you in the right direction. This test is more than a simple questionnaire...

Fun psychological test: Thinking pattern test, test whether your thoughts are strange or not?

Everyone has a unique way of thinking. Some people prefer logical analysis, while others are better at intuitive thinking. Some people like to challenge conventional wisdom, while others are more conservative. Differences in thinking styles may affect how we view problems and how we solve them. Culture and education have a profound impact on the way we think. Different cultural traditions and edu...

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