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在古代封建社会的广袤历史长河中,职业的种类繁多,如同星辰点缀在夜空中,各有其独特的光芒。其中,“三教九流”这一词汇,就像一把钥匙,为我们揭开了古代社会职业的神秘面纱。“三教”主要是指儒教、佛教、道教,它们是古代社会的精神支柱和道德准则;而“九流”则是对社会各阶层的划分,包括了士、农、工、商等各种职业,它们构成了古代社会的经济基础。 每个人的内心深处,都藏着一个古代的梦。那是一个充满诗意的时代,那是一个充满风华才韵的时代。如果时光能够倒流,让我们回到那个迷人的时代,生活在那里,过着朴素而充实的生活,那么,你会选择什么样的职业呢?是儒家的学者,传播着儒家的道德观念,引导人们走向美好;还是佛教的僧人,修炼心性,追求内心的宁静;或者是道教的道士,探索宇宙的奥秘,追求长生不老的秘诀;又或者是士、农、工、商中的一员,用自己的辛勤努力,为社会的繁荣做出贡献。 无论你选择哪一种职业,都是你内心的选择,...

Xiamen City Knowledge Test: Test how well you know Xiamen?

Life/hobbies 20 2 minute
Xiamen, a city located on the southeastern coast of China, is famous for its unique history, culture and natural landscape. As a former port city, Xiamen has a rich historical heritage. It was once part of the Silk Road, attracting traders and navigators from all over the world. These historical relics can still be seen in Xiamen today, such as Nanputuo Temple, Hulishan Fort, etc. Xiamen's natura...

Chengdu City Knowledge Test: Test how well you know Chengdu?

Life/hobbies 20 2 minute 1
When we mention Chengdu, we are not just talking about a geographical concept, but describing a culture, a history, and a way of life. Chengdu, known as 'Rongcheng', is the capital of Sichuan Province and a technology, business, financial center and transportation hub in southwest China. It is an important high-tech industrial base, trade and logistics center and comprehensive transportation hub i...

Hangzhou City Knowledge Test: Test how well you know Hangzhou?

Hangzhou, a city embraced by green waters and green mountains, is not only famous for its charming natural scenery, but also attracts countless tourists with its profound historical and cultural heritage and modern urban style. This is the heart of Zhejiang Province, located on the southeast coast of China, on the beautiful banks of the Qiantang River and at the southern end of the Beijing-Hangzho...

How long are you going to endure the hard life of testing?

Life/hobbies 2 1 minute
'Prosperity' is the life that everyone yearns for, and everyone hopes to make their life more comfortable through their own efforts. However, no one's beginning is smooth sailing. Being a boss also requires you to go through the process of starting from scratch. Hard work is not destiny, but hard work is a state of being on call. Want to know whether your hardship is fate or excessive? How long do...

Social Negative Personality Test

Character/Personality 30 3 minute 6
Social Negative Personality Test
The Social Negative Personality Test is an interesting and illuminating psychological assessment that reveals possible negative personality traits in social interactions through six relatively independent personality dimensions. These traits include aloofness, suspicion, willfulness, dominance, paranoia, and grandiosity. If you're curious about your personality, or want to understand yourself more...

Test which animal lives inside you

Life/hobbies 20 2 minute
Deep within each of us, there is a mysterious animal that silently affects our emotions and behaviors. This animal is the most instinctive and primitive part of our personality. It may be a brave lion, an agile cheetah, or a clever fox. Not only does it represent our strengths, it also exposes our weaknesses and fears. Everyone has their own unique inner animal, which represents the depth of our ...

Straight female level identification test

Life/hobbies 15 3 minute
People are always curious when it comes to personality and interests. We like to categorize ourselves into a certain type in order to better understand ourselves and others. The word 'straight woman' has caused widespread discussion on the Internet in recent years. It is not just a label, but a way of self-understanding, a description of one's own personality and hobbies. So, what is a “straight ...

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