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Psychology you don’t know: the secret of automatic compliance

Have you ever encountered a situation where you didn’t want to do something, but as soon as someone else said it, you couldn’t help but agree? Or maybe you originally wanted to do something, but as soon as someone else said it and did it, you changed your mind? If you have had such an experience, congratulations, you have experienced a powerful psychological effect the automatic compliance effect....

Do humans always repeat the same mistakes? Escape from the endless reincarnation of adversity

Do you have any recurring problems/situations? They may be (just) bad habits in life, or they may be your tendency to avoid facing difficulties, or you may not actually know what it is, but you always feel like you are stuck in life. When you find yourself back in the same predicament... Relying on alcohol every time when you are stressed, but drinking more and more - Every time you enter an intim...

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