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Social Negative Personality Test

Character/Personality 30 3 minute 6
Social Negative Personality Test
The Social Negative Personality Test is an interesting and illuminating psychological assessment that reveals possible negative personality traits in social interactions through six relatively independent personality dimensions. These traits include aloofness, suspicion, willfulness, dominance, paranoia, and grandiosity. If you're curious about your personality, or want to understand yourself more...

Social Positive Personality Test

Character/Personality 30 3 minute 1
Social Positive Personality Test
In this ever-changing world, everyone is unique. Our personality is like a painting drawn with different colors and lines, showing our unique personality and charm. Social Positive Personality Test is a key that can unlock and reveal the positive and beautiful aspects of our personality. This test is not just a simple questionnaire, it is a process of deeply exploring yourself and discovering you...

Testing interpersonal relationships by sending fruits

Everyone will always have some problems in their daily communication life. After all, no one is perfect, and everyone has weaknesses. The important thing is to understand how to improve in the future. Here is a question to test your interpersonal relationships, which can help you understand your interpersonal relationships. Some of the characteristics, from the fruit delivery to your interpersonal...

Test your popularity level?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 minute 1
In social relationships, people who are popular can always be more at home. Everyone wants to be very popular. If popularity also has levels, what level would you be? Excellent? Good? Or passing? Come and take a test to see what level your popularity will be.

Test your social weaknesses

Many times, we have some small weaknesses in our interactions with people. If you think these small shortcomings are insignificant, then you are totally wrong. These small weaknesses may be foreshadowing your future big troubles. Although the weaknesses are small, they are fatal. What social weaknesses do you have? Come and test it out.

Measure the number of invalid social media around you

Many times we are taught that we can’t just live in our own world. We should go out and communicate with others more, accumulate some connections, and have more friends and more paths! This is true, but how much of the various social interactions every time you go out are effective social interactions? In fact, you can't see for yourself who is sincere to you and who is fake. You might as well tak...

Test what bad social habits you have

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 minute 1
Compared with the past, we now use various social tools such as WeChat, Weibo, QQ, etc. to make it easier to meet more friends. However, in some social environments where you are not acquaintances, some of your bad social habits may cause the other party to deal with you. In an uncomfortable conversational environment, and never being able to let down my guard in front of you. So, what bad social ...

Test how wary you are

Because it is essential to be on guard against others, everyone in today's social life will be wary because they lack a sense of security. A simple choice can reveal your true inner thoughts. This is the magical charm of testing. Want to know how alert you are in interpersonal interactions? Please complete the following test.

How will your recent interpersonal relationships develop?

Some people have a cheerful personality, are proactive in dealing with others, and are not afraid of words and routines in interacting with others. And some people are very worried about whether they will make the other party feel bad during the relationship, so they often shrink back. I would like to say that many people are not born with good sociability, and many of them are accumulated slowly ...

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