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How to increase inner strength?

In today's society, we often encounter various pressures and challenges. How can we make ourselves stronger and more resistant? In this blog post, I will give some suggestions from the following five aspects, hoping to inspire you. Create risk awareness. We should consciously understand the real suffering life and have a more comprehensive understanding of the world, thereby creating a sense ...

20 pieces of advice for young people

In this era of rapid change and fierce competition, young people are facing many challenges and opportunities. How to achieve success and happiness both personally and professionally is a topic that many people care about. Based on the author's personal experience and observations, this article summarizes 20 pieces of advice for young people, involving family, friends, decision-making, cogniti...

Psychologists send you New Year greetings. Can you guess which school they belong to?

Happy New Year! In this new year full of hope and challenges, we all need some encouragement and support. If a psychologist came to send you New Year greetings, what would they say? What language and methods will they use to express their care and wishes? From what angle and perspective will they view you and your life? Today, we are going to play a little game to see how psychologists send New Y...

Stereotypes: How your brain tricks you

Have you ever had this experience: when you hear people from a certain area, you will think of certain characteristics of them, such as their accent, personality traits, favorite foods, etc.; when you see people from a certain profession When you meet people of a certain gender, you will think of some of their abilities, such as surgeons must be smart, teachers must be patient, actors must be very...

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