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Can the obsession with clothes tell whether a person is going to cheat?

family/marriage 3 2 minute
A series of breakups and cheatings have haunted their hearts, causing many people to say they 'no longer believe in love.' Why do emotions in the world often start well but end badly? Is it easy to fall in love, but difficult to stay together? Whether they are husband and wife or lovers, since they are together, they should be responsible for their own feelings, take the initiative to restrain th...

Psychological test: Take this test. When choosing a partner, what do you value most in your heart?

Love/Relationship 1 1 minute 9
What's most important to each person deep down when choosing a partner may be different. Here are some possible factors: Mutual attraction: In love, attractiveness of appearance, personality and temperament are usually important factors. Trust and respect: Relationships based on mutual trust and respect are usually healthier and longer lasting. Common values: Having common life values and goals c...

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