MBTI Personality Encyclopedia

Each of us is a unique individual with unique ways of thinking and behaving. The MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) personality type theory provides us with a way to deeply understand ourselves and others. By classifying individual preferences and characteristics, MBTI personality type theory helps us identify different types of personality and provides valuable guidance for our personal and professional development. ##MBTI Personality Type Overview MBTI personality type theory was developed based on the theory of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. It divides personality traits into four dimensions, each with two opposing extreme preferences, forming 16 different personality types. The four dimensions are: 1. Thinking style (E - Extroversion / I - Introversion): This dimension focuses on the way an individual obtains energy, whether by interacting with the outside world (extroversion) or by thinking and introspecting alone (Introversion). 2. Perception style (S - Real sense / N - Intuition): This dimension focuses on the way an individual obtains information, whether through observing and perceiving the sensory world (real sense) or through intuition and focusing on future possibilities (intuition) . 3. Decision-making style (T - Thinking / F - Emotion): This dimension focuses on the way an individual makes decisions, whether based on logic and objective facts (thinking) or based on values ​​and emotional considerations (emotion). 4. Lifestyle (J - Plan/P - Perception): This dimension focuses on the way an individual approaches life, whether he prefers a structured and organized life (Plan) or a more free and flexible life (Perception). Through the combination of these four dimensions, we can get 16 different personality types. Each personality type has its own unique characteristics and development needs. By deeply understanding our own personality type, we can better understand our own behavioral patterns, career tendencies, and interpersonal styles. The following is a link to the corresponding interpretation article for the full version of the test. You can read the detailed interpretation article for each personality type and uncover more secrets about your inner code. ##MBTI Personality Encyclopedia - : Introduces the characteristics of the INTJ personality type. They are thoughtful, organized, creative thinkers and decision-makers. - : Explores the characteristics of the INTP personality type. They are rational, curious, thinkers who are good at analyzing and solving problems. - : Introduces the characteristics of the ENTJ personality type. They are firm, confident, decision-makers who are good at leadership and organization. - : Explores the characteristics of the ENTP personality type. They are smart, flexible, innovators who are good at thinking and debating. - : Introduces the characteristics of the INFJ personality type. They are leaders and advocates who understand others, are visionary, and empathetic. - : Explores the characteristics of the INFP personality type. They are idealists, mediators who are loyal to themselves and good at helping others. - : Introduces the characteristics of the ENFJ personality type. They are enthusiastic, influential leaders who are good at motivating and helping others. - : Explores the characteristics of the ENFP personality type. They are enthusiastic, creative, and good at motivating and influencing others. - : Introduces the characteristics of the ISTJ personality type. They are hardworking, responsible, doers who are good at organizing and executing. - : Explores the characteristics of the ISFJ personality type. They are loyal, considerate, and protectors who are good at taking care of others. - : Introduces the characteristics of the ESTJ personality type. They are leaders who are determined, pragmatic, and good at organization and management. - : Explores the characteristics of the ESFJ personality type. They are social people who are enthusiastic, responsible, good at caring and helping others. - : Introduces the characteristics of the ISTP personality type. They are calm, flexible, doers who are good at observing and solving problems. - : Explores the characteristics of the ISFP personality type. They are artists who are free, sensitive, and good at experiencing and expressing emotions. - : Introduces the characteristics of the ESTP personality type. They are optimistic, adventurous, practical and problem-solving decision-makers. - : Explores the characteristics of the ESFP personality type, who are enthusiastic, extroverted performers who are good at entertaining and inspiring others. ##Free MBTI Test If you are curious about your personality type and want to gain insight into your inner code, we recommend you take the MBTI test. You can click on the link below to get your personality type results on our free MBTI test. MBTI personality type is a powerful tool for understanding yourself and others. By gaining a deeper understanding of our personality type, we can better develop our potential and increase satisfaction in our personal and professional lives. I hope this article can lead you into the world of MBTI and uncover the secrets of your heart.

Link to this article: https://psyctest.cn/article/2DxznVxA/

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