MBTI Type 16 Personality Enthusiasm Competition! ESFJ is a salted fish, please let it go, ISTJ will live and die with the company

MBTI Type 16 Personality Enthusiasm Competition! ESFJ is a salted fish, please let it go, ISTJ will live and die with the company

Do you want to know how ambitious you are? The MBTI Type 16 Personality Test can help you uncover this mystery, allowing you to better understand the personality traits, strengths and weaknesses of yourself and others. Today, we will reveal to you the ranking of professionalism of Type 16 personality to see if you are a workaholic, or if you just want to be a salted fish. Come take the test and see where you rank! ##MBTI Type 16 Personality Test MBTI Type 16 Personality Test » Click here: There will be a series of multiple choice questions (agree or disagree) in the test. Please answer according to your truest thoughts. Try not to Choose a neutral answer and complete the test within 10 minutes to find out which personality type you belong to. After the test is completed, hurry up and look at the analysis! ##MBTI Top 5 Type 16 Personality Enthusiasm

###Archon ESFJ, Logician INTP, Performer ESFP, Explorer ISFP > Please let me go ** Archon ESFJ **: ESFJ is just talking. , in fact, they don’t have much business ability, and they don’t want to have it. They just want to be a salted fish in the system and live a stable life. Logicist INTP: INTP is disgusted with everything in the workplace. What they look forward to most every day is to go home from get off work and enjoy their own time. Why do people go to work? This question puzzles the INTP. Performer ESFP: ESFPs are the most active when going out to play, but not when going to work. In the eyes of ESFPs, going to work is a kind of constraint. It is not worth sacrificing too much happiness for going to work, but you still have to survive. I can only endure it and go to work honestly. Explorer ISFP: If you can engage in the art industry you like, it can stimulate the enthusiasm of ISFP. If you become a civil servant or company employee according to the secular style, it will become like a nightmare, and there will be nowhere to put your creativity. I can only live a nine-to-five life. I don’t know what the meaning of such a life is, so I am willing to be a salted fish. ##MBTI Type 16 Personality Career Top4 ###Mediator INFP, Advocate INFJ, Guardian ISFJ, Campaigner ENFP > Want to do better in the workplace Mediator INFP: Many people have problems with INFP There is a misunderstanding that INFPs are transparent in the workplace and have no ambition. In fact, they envy big people who are successful in the workplace, but it is difficult for them to make it in the workplace and they can only work hard within a certain range. Advocate INFJ: INFJ and INFP are the same. Generally speaking, their survivability is relatively weak. If they don’t have good opportunities, it may be difficult to reach the management level in the workplace. However, INFJ has super perfectionism and will not let itself go. If you mess around, you will seek breakthroughs in this industry. Guardian ISFJ: ISFJ is a relatively un-S personality among S. They usually have a few N-series friends with whom they have good relationships. The workplace is just a channel for ISFJs to broaden their social contacts and give them more opportunities to make friends with like-minded people. . Campaigner ENFP: ENFP looks cheerful and untroubled, but is actually very stubborn about the things they value. If they enter an industry they are interested in and like, ENFP will even transform into an ESTJ and fight to the death. ##MBTI Type 16 Personality Entrepreneurship Top3 ###Debater ENTP, Connoisseur ISTP, Protagonist ENFJ > Work is the spice of life Debater ENTP: Understand that work is to make life better, not for work As for work, in the eyes of ENTPs, career ambitions must be present, but they must not be excessive, because work is always just a means of making a living and cannot replace real life. Connoisseur ISTP: There are often many hobbies that have been indulged for many years. ISTP will be immersed in them and cannot extricate themselves, because one’s world is too happy, but one must have a certain financial foundation to better enjoy life, so ISTP also Be willing to stand out in the workplace and earn more money. Protagonist ENFJ: is the most ambitious personality in NF. They are eager to gain the trust and admiration of the people around them, and want to lead the team to the top. Such a personality has a certain ambition, but ENFJ is an NF after all. , poetry and longing for distant places are indispensable, so work is more like a condiment for ENFJ, and if you add too much, it will hurt your throat. ##MBTI Type 16 Personality Entrepreneurship Top2 ###Commander ENTJ, Entrepreneur ESTP > Work occupies most of life Commander ENTJ: ENTJ actually hopes to achieve a balance between work and life, and is not as workaholic and more demanding as ESTJ There is a lifestyle, but career also takes up 90% of ENTJ’s energy. Entrepreneur ESTP: The situation of ESTP is quite special. They enjoy interpersonal communication and work purely with a playful attitude. When it comes to intrigues in the workplace, they enjoy it more and think it is extremely exciting. thing. ##MBTI Type 16 Personality Enthusiasm Top1

###General Manager ESTJ, Logistician ISTJ, Architect INTJ > I will live and die with the company General Manager ESTJ: Needless to say, ESTJ is the spokesperson for workaholics, the biggest The fun is to compete with others in the workplace and enjoy the joy of winning in competition. Logistics Engineer ISTJ: ISTJ’s work ability is comparable to that of ESTJ, but they don’t talk about ambition, which is ignored by many people. ISTJ often bursts out of energy in the later stages of their career, which is impressive. Architect INTJ: Unlike the previous two, they are more inclined to start a business and make a living on their own. In the traditional sense, the workplace requires interpersonal relationships and socializing, which INTJ despises.

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