MBTI's various states of celebrating the New Year, E people vs I people have a big difference in how they celebrate the New Year! What kind of person are you?

MBTI's various states of celebrating the New Year, E people vs I people have a big difference in how they celebrate the New Year! What kind of person are you?

The Chinese New Year is the most important festival of the year, and it is also the time when the differences in people’s personalities are best reflected. People with different MBTI types have very different ways and mentality of celebrating the New Year. Today we will take a look at the different states of people E and I during the Chinese New Year. Which type of person do you belong to? ##E people: Enthusiastic and cheerful, like lively E people, that is, extroverted people, their dominant spiritual function is in the external world, they like to communicate with people, enjoy social activities, are interested in external things, and like action and change . For E people, the Chinese New Year is a good opportunity to get together with relatives and friends, talk freely, share their own experiences and feelings, and listen to other people’s stories and anecdotes to enhance mutual understanding and affection. E people usually take the initiative to contact their relatives and friends and arrange various New Year greetings, dinner parties, and play activities to keep their schedules full and not waste a minute or a second. ###E people’s state of celebrating the New Year is as follows: Ebullient and proactive in sending New Year greetings. E people will take the initiative to call or send messages to people they know to wish them a happy new year, and will also ask about their current situation and plans to express their care and support. E people will not find it troublesome to do this, but will find it very happy, because they like to keep in touch with others and feel the warmth and friendliness of others. Likes to be lively and participate in activities. People E will actively participate in various New Year activities, such as eating New Year’s Eve dinner, watching the Spring Festival Gala, setting off firecrackers, receiving red envelopes, playing games, etc. They will laugh with everyone and take the initiative to stir up the atmosphere so that everyone can be infected with their happiness. E people will not feel tired by doing this, but will feel very fulfilled because they like to play with others and feel the enthusiasm and vitality of others. Curiosity is strong and exploration is new. E people will be interested in everything related to the Chinese New Year. They will want to know more information and try more things. They will chat with others, understand their thoughts and opinions, and exchange opinions and suggestions with others. They will go shopping to see what new products and activities are available, and they will also travel to see what new scenery and culture there is. E people will not think it is a waste, but will find it very interesting, because they like to learn from others and feel the wisdom and creativity of others. ##I person: Quiet and introverted, likes ease I person, that is, introverted person, their dominant spiritual function is in the inner world. They like to be alone, enjoy thinking, are interested in their own feelings and thoughts, and like stability and depth. For I people, the Chinese New Year is a good opportunity to get along with the people closest to them, calm down their mood and thoughts, and also do some things they like, relax their body and mind, and prepare for the new year. Be prepared. I people usually passively accept visits and invitations from their relatives and friends and try their best to cooperate with their arrangements, but they will also reserve some time and space of their own to prevent themselves from being too nervous and depressed. ###I have the following states of life during the Chinese New Year: Warm heart, silent blessings. I people will bless the people they know in their hearts and wish them a happy new year. They will also recall their past and future in their hearts and express their gratitude and expectations. I people will not take the initiative to call or send messages to others because they feel that doing so is embarrassing and will not change other people’s moods and lives. They believe that real blessing is silent, as long as it is in the heart. Prefers comfort and avoids conflict. People I will try to avoid participating in various New Year activities, such as eating New Year’s Eve dinner, watching the Spring Festival Gala, setting off firecrackers, receiving red envelopes, playing games, etc. They will respond politely with everyone, but will not take the initiative to speak or show too much emotion. They will find excuses to leave early or find a quiet place to have some alone time. People I will not find this boring, but will feel very comfortable, because they do not like to argue with others and feel the pressure and interference of others. Stick to yourself and pursue your ideals. I people will have their own opinions and judgments on everything during the New Year. They will want to think and analyze deeply, and they will also want to achieve their own goals and plans. They discuss with others to express their opinions and reasons, and they also listen to others to understand their feelings and needs. They will read to see what new knowledge and ideas there are, and they will also write to express their own voices and ideas. I people will not feel lonely doing this, but will find it very meaningful, because they like to communicate with others and feel the recognition and support of others. ##Conclusion Through the above analysis, we can see that people E and I are very different during the Chinese New Year. These differences do not mean that people E and I cannot get along. On the contrary, they can learn and complement each other. Create a good interaction and balance. Of course, everyone’s personality is complex and cannot be completely classified as an E person or an I person. Instead, they have certain tendencies and preferences. You can take some tests to understand your MBTI type, and you can also judge whether you are an E person, an I person, or someone in between by observing your state during the Chinese New Year. No matter what kind of person you are, you must remember that the Chinese New Year is a happy holiday. You must respect your own character and the character of others. Find a way to celebrate the New Year that suits you and enjoy the fun of the Chinese New Year. Finally, I wish everyone a happy Year of the Dragon. May all your wishes come true! 🎉

Link to this article: https://psyctest.cn/article/MV5gkY5w/

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