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MBTI’s various states of celebrating the New Year, E people vs I people have a big difference in how they celebrate the New Year! What kind of person are you?

The Chinese New Year is the most important festival of the year, and it is also the time when the differences in people’s personalities are best reflected. People with different MBTI types have very different ways and mentality of celebrating the New Year. Today we will take a look at the different states of people E and I during the Chinese New Year. Which type of person do you belong to? E pers...

The cultural psychology behind the Chinese New Year

The Chinese New Year is the most important traditional festival for Chinese people and the festival with the most cultural connotations. The New Year is not only a time node on the calendar, but also a cultural phenomenon rich in symbolic significance, reflecting the values, ways of thinking and emotional expression of the Chinese people. This article will explore the cultural psychology behind th...

Why is our New Year’s taste getting weaker and weaker? The underlying reasons behind social changes

The Chinese New Year is the most important festival of the year for the Chinese. It is not only a day to celebrate the New Year, but also a day for reunion, sacrifice, prayer and inheritance. However, with the development and changes of society, our sense of the New Year seems to be getting weaker and weaker, and celebrating the New Year becomes more and more like a routine. Our family ties are be...

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