Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENFJ's shadow functional personality, how to give full play to its advantages and achieve self-growth?

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENFJ's shadow functional personality, how to give full play to its advantages and achieve self-growth?

Have you ever had the experience that sometimes you exhibit behaviors or thoughts that are inconsistent with your usual personality traits, leaving you confused or surprised? Have you ever thought about where these behaviors or thoughts come from, and what meaning and effect they have on you? If you are interested in these questions, this article may give you some inspiration. The topic of this article is the combination of Jung’s eight dimensions and MBTI, especially the analysis of ENFJ’s shadow functional personality. The purpose of this article is to help you understand what shadow functional personality is, how it is formed, what characteristics and advantages it has, and how to leverage its advantages to achieve self-growth and development. Jung’s Eight Dimensions and MBTI are two commonly used personality theories. They are both based on the ideas of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, who believe that human psychological functions can be divided into four basic types: thinking, feeling, intuition and emotion. Types can be divided into two directions: extroversion and introversion, forming eight psychological functions. MBTI is a personality test that divides people into 16 personality types based on the priority and direction of their four psychological functions. Each type is represented by four letters, such as ENFJ. Shadow functional personality is a personality hidden under a person’s consciousness. It is opposite to the person’s main personality, but it is also a part of the person. It sometimes emerges in specific situations and affects people’s behavior and thoughts. The existence of shadow functional personality can help people understand and accept their own imperfections and diversity, and can also provide some new perspectives and possibilities to promote people’s self-balance and development. PS This article is suitable for readers who already have a basic understanding of the concept of Jung’s Eight Dimensions (MBTI Cognitive Function). If you have not yet understood the relevant concepts, you can , or search for relevant information by yourself. ##What is shadow functional personality? The concept of shadow functional personality originates from Jung’s shadow theory. Jung believed that human psychological structure can be divided into two parts: consciousness and unconsciousness. Consciousness is the part that people actively control and identify with, while the unconscious is the part that people passively accept and reject. , The unconscious contains various factors such as human instinct, desire, impulse, fear, repression, potential, etc. Some of them are opposed to human consciousness, and this part is the shadow. The shadow is a mirror of a person, it reflects another side of the person, it is a complement to the person, and it is also a challenge to the person. It sometimes shows its existence to the person through dreams, fantasies, projections, etc., attracting the person’s attention and reaction. Jung believed that in order for people to achieve self-integrity and harmony, they must face up to and integrate their own shadows. Otherwise, the shadows will become people’s enemies, causing pain and distress. Shadow function personality is an extension of the shadow theory based on Jung’s eight dimensions and MBTI. It believes that among the four psychological functions of people, one is the dominant function, which is the most natural and best function of the person, and the other is the auxiliary function. , it is the most commonly used and most proficient function of a person, there is the tertiary function, which is a weak but developable function of a person, and there is an inferior function, which is the weakest and most neglected function of a person. These four functions constitute a person’s main personality, which is the personality type of MBTI. For example, the dominant function of ENFJ is extraverted feeling, the auxiliary function is introverted intuition, the tertiary function is extraverted thinking, and the inferior function is introverted feeling. Among the four psychological functions of a person, there are another four that are hidden in the unconscious. They are functions opposite to the main personality, that is, shadow functions. They constitute a person’s shadow functional personality, which is the shadow personality type of MBTI. For example, ENFJ’s shadow function personality is INFP, and its shadow functions are introverted feeling, extraverted intuition, introverted thinking, and extraverted feeling. The shadow functional personality is another side of a person. It complements and conflicts with the person’s main personality. It sometimes emerges in specific situations and affects people’s behavior and thoughts, such as during stress, crisis, conflict, In situations such as creativity, a person’s shadow function personality may become more active and show some characteristics that are inconsistent with the main personality. These characteristics may sometimes bring confusion or trouble to people, and sometimes they may bring surprises or inspirations to people. ##What is the shadow function personality of ENFJ? ENFJ is a passionate, ideal, charismatic, and leadership personality type. Its main personality characteristics are extroverted emotion and introverted intuition. It is good at communicating and cooperating with others, caring about the feelings and needs of others, and has a strong sense of values ​​and goals. , likes to create and realize meaningful things, and is full of confidence and expectations for the future. The shadow functional personality of ENFJ is INFP. Its shadow personality characteristics are introverted feeling and extroverted intuition. It tends to be independent and self-centered, pays attention to its own feelings and needs, has unique values ​​and imagination, and likes to explore and experience interesting things. , full of curiosity and exploration about the future. The corresponding relationship between ENFJ’s Yang side function and Shadow function is as follows: | Yang side function | Shadow function | Description | | :—: | :—: | :— | | Extraverted feeling | Introverted feeling | The emotional function is The way people deal with emotions and values, extroverted emotion is based on society and the environment, and introverted emotion is based on the individual and the heart. | | Introverted intuition | Extraverted intuition | The intuitive function is the way people deal with abstraction and potential. Introverted intuition refers to the inner and deep, and extraverted intuition refers to the external and extensive. | | Extraverted thinking | Introverted thinking | The thinking function is the way people process logic and analysis. Extraverted thinking is based on objectivity and standards as a reference, and introverted thinking is based on subjectivity and standards as a reference. | | Introverted Sensing | Extraverted Sensing | The sensing function is the way people deal with concrete and practical matters. Introverted Sensing is based on details and precision, and Extraverted Sensing is based on the whole and the senses. | ENFJ’s shadow functional personality has different characteristics and advantages from the main personality, such as: - Introverted emotion, which can help ENFJ pay more attention to their inner feelings and needs instead of excessively catering to and sacrificing themselves. It can also help ENFJ better understand and Respect the individuality and differences of others rather than overly directing and controlling others. - Extraverted intuition can help ENFJs be more open and flexible instead of being too stubborn and dogmatic. It can also help ENFJs be more innovative and diverse instead of being too conservative and single-minded. - Introverted thinking can help ENFJs to be more objective and rational instead of being too subjective and emotional. It can also help ENFJs to be more critical and analytical instead of too trusting and accepting. - Extraverted Sensing can help ENFJs be more practical and realistic rather than too idealistic and futuristic, and can also help ENFJs be more enjoyable and relaxed instead of being too tense and hardworking. ENFJ’s shadow function personality sometimes emerges in specific situations and affects ENFJ’s behavior and thoughts. For example: - When ENFJ feels stressed or tired, they may show the characteristics of introverted emotion and become silent and withdrawn. Unwilling to communicate and cooperate with others, they may even feel resentful and dissatisfied with others, believing that they are being ignored and used. - When ENFJs feel bored or curious, they may show the characteristics of extraverted intuition, become adventurous and playful, like to try and explore new and interesting things, and may even become dissatisfied and bored with existing things, thinking that they are being Restraint and restriction. - When ENFJ feels confused or challenged, they may show the characteristics of introverted thinking, become calm and logical, like to think and solve complex and difficult problems, and even doubt and refute simple and obvious things, thinking that they themselves Misled and deceived. - When ENFJs feel relaxed or happy, they may show the characteristics of extraverted feeling, become lively and emotional, like to observe and experience beautiful and pleasant things, and may even be indifferent and ignore serious and important things, thinking that they themselves Suppressed and burdened. ##How to take advantage of the shadow functional personality? The shadow functional personality is a part of a person. It is not the enemy of the person, but the friend of the person. It can help the person recognize and accept his own imperfections and diversity, and it can also provide some new perspectives and possibilities to promote the person’s spiritual development. Self-balance and development. Therefore, we should not ignore or suppress our shadow functional personality, but should try to establish a good relationship with it, give full play to its advantages, and realize our potential. Here are some methods and techniques to help ENFJs take advantage of their shadow function personality: - Understand your own shadow function personality. ENFJs can learn about their shadow functional personality in some ways, such as taking some personality tests, reading some relevant books or articles, observing their own behaviors and thoughts in different situations, and reflecting on the emergence and emergence of their shadow functional personality. Influence, etc. -Accept your own shadow function personality. ENFJ should not deny or resist their own shadow function personality, but should accept and respect it, thinking that it is a part of themselves and a resource of their own. It has its own value and meaning, as well as its own characteristics and advantages. It can help you become more complete and harmonious. - Understand the characteristics and strengths of your own shadow function personality. ENFJ can learn the characteristics and advantages of their own shadow function personality in some ways, such as reading some books or articles about INFP, observing some INFP people or characters, communicating and interacting with some INFP people, and trying some INFP Activities and interests, etc. - Observe the emergence and reasons of your own shadow function personality. ENFJs can use some methods to observe the emergence and reasons of their own shadow functional personality. For example, record when, where, and under what circumstances they exhibit the characteristics of shadow functional personality, and how these characteristics affect themselves and others. What influence does it have, analyze the motives and purposes of the emergence of your own shadow function personality, etc. - Regulate the expression and use of your own shadow function personality. ENFJs can adjust the expression and use of their shadow function personality in some ways, such as choosing the right time, place, object, and method to express and use their shadow function personality, avoiding excess or deficiency, and avoiding conflicts or misunderstandings. , seeking balance or coordination, etc. ##Conclusion This article introduces the concept and formation principles of shadow functional personality, analyzes the characteristics and advantages of ENFJ’s shadow functional personality, and how to give full play to the advantages of shadow functional personality to achieve self-growth and development. The shadow functional personality is a part of a person. It is not the enemy of the person, but the friend of the person. It can help the person recognize and accept his own imperfections and diversity, and it can also provide some new perspectives and possibilities to promote the person’s spiritual development. Self-balance and development. Therefore, we should face up to and integrate our shadow functional personality instead of ignoring or suppressing it, giving full play to its advantages and realizing our potential. I hope this article can give you some inspiration and suggestions, so that you can better understand yourself and others, better develop yourself and others, and live and work better. > 📖 Read ###MBTI Type 16 Free Online Test If you still don’t know your MBTI personality type or want to Retest whether your personality type has changed. PsycTest officially provides a free MBTI Type 16 professional personality test. We hope it will be helpful to you. MBTI free test address:

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