Correct workplace mentality: work indifferently, you will not feel anxious

Many people feel anxious in the workplace, feeling that their work is not recognized, promoted, or respected. They always look forward to work bringing them a sense of satisfaction, happiness, and accomplishment. They believe that they must be dedicated to their jobs and be passionate about their work, otherwise they will be unqualified employees.

But is this mentality really right? Is work really everything in life? Can we look at work from a different angle?

Today, I want to share with you a true story. This is the story of a single mother. With her actions and attitude, she showed us a different workplace mentality, a cold working mentality.

What is indifferent work?

You may not like this job, but this job now allows you to support your family, and you can work indifferently.

Indifferent work does not mean that we should be indifferent to work, irresponsible, and not work hard. It means that we should keep a certain distance from work, not let work occupy all the space in our lives, and not let work affect our emotions and values.

The core idea of indifferent work is: work is just work.

When we view work as part of our lives, rather than the entirety of our lives, we are better able to balance our roles and needs. We can know more clearly what we want, what we need, and what we should do.

There are many benefits to working indifferently:

  • It allows us to reduce anxiety and stress. When we do not regard work as a reflection of self-worth, we will not care too much about other people’s evaluations and expectations. We will not feel frustrated and disappointed because we do not receive promotion, honor, and praise. We can look at problems and challenges at work more objectively and find solutions more rationally.
  • It can make us more focused and efficient. When we don’t see work as everything in life, we can better organize our time and energy. We can go all out during working hours and do our jobs well. After get off work, we can put down work and enjoy our own private space and interests.
  • It can make us freer and happier. When we don’t see work as the meaning of life, we can explore our potential and possibilities more broadly. We will be able to adjust our career planning and development direction more flexibly. We can face changes and opportunities in the workplace more calmly.

Correct workplace mentality: Work is just work, you won’t feel anxious

A true story

This is a true story about how a single mother practices indifferent work.

This single mother is a teacher named Teacher Li (pseudonym). She is a high school mathematics teacher and teaches in a key high school. She has a 6-year-old son who grew up beside her.

Although Teacher Li is a subject teacher, she has never been a class teacher. She felt that being a class teacher was too time-consuming and energy-intensive and would affect her relationship with her son. She just wants to concentrate on teaching mathematics well and passing on knowledge and methods to students.

One year, a new principal came to the school, and he stipulated that all main subject teachers must lead their classes as class teachers. This was a huge blow to Teacher Li. She felt this was disrespectful and unfair to her. She decided to fight for her rights and not succumb to the pressure from the principal.

She called the principal directly and said, ‘I can’t take charge of the class. I don’t want my children to be orphans.’ She spoke calmly and rationally, without any emotional tone. She just stated a fact, a fact that cannot be changed.

As a result, the principal was shocked by her attitude. He had no way to force her to lead the class, so he could only agree to her request. In this way, all the main subject teachers in the whole school were in charge of the class, except Teacher Li.

Teacher Li doesn’t care what others think of her or evaluate her. She also doesn’t care whether the principal has an opinion on her or whether it will affect her career development. She only cares about her job and family. She said: ‘You can say that I am not good, and I don’t need your approval, but I will definitely try my best to do my job.’

Teacher Li used his actions to prove his ability and value. She has taught batches of outstanding students and gained the trust and love of students and parents. She also took good care of her son and gave him a warm and happy family. She achieved a balance between her career and life with an indifferent working mentality.

The woman you can see is actually a very strong person. She knows what she wants in life, and she doesn’t expect you to give her promotions, honors, or anything like that. She doesn’t want it. This is just a job. More The important thing is that I have to take care of my family and my children. This is the sobriety of the world.

How to cultivate an indifferent work mentality?

Maybe you will think that Teacher Li is a special case, she has a special background and environment. You may think that in the workplace you are in, you cannot work in an indifferent manner like Mr. Li.

In fact, indifferent working is not a special skill or strategy, but a psychological state and way of thinking. It does not depend on your career, position, industry or company, but on your understanding and attitude towards yourself, work and life.

If you want to cultivate an indifferent work mentality, you can start from the following aspects:

  • Recognize the essence of work. Work is an exchange relationship. You use your time, energy, skills, and knowledge to create value for the company, and the company rewards you with salary, benefits, and opportunities. Work is not everything in your life, nor is it a reflection of your self-worth. You can like your job or not, but you can’t let your job affect your mood and happiness.
  • Clear your goals and needs. You need to know why you want to work, what you want to get from your work, and what price you need to pay for your work. You must have your own career plan and development direction, and do not blindly follow others or follow trends.
  • Set your own boundaries and bottom lines. You need to clarify your working hours and resting times, and don’t let work invade your personal space and time. You need to protect your physical and mental health, and don’t sacrifice your health and happiness for work. You must dare to refuse and communicate, do not accept jobs beyond your capabilities and responsibilities, and do not tolerate unreasonable demands and pressure.
  • Develop your own interests and hobbies. You should have your own lifestyle and fun, and don’t let work become the only content of your life. You need to find something you like so that you can feel happy and satisfied outside of work. You need to expand your social circle and make some like-minded friends so that you can receive support and companionship outside of work.


Psychology originated from Western philosophy. The study of psychology is to study human nature and finally look at the world rationally. When you don’t place more expectations on this world, you will not expect to be blocked or suffer setbacks, because the world is like this. I am very clear that it is not like this for me, it is like this for everyone. , the world is a mode of operation.

Working indifferently is not a passive escape, but a positive choice. It allows us to enjoy work better and enjoy life better. It can make us more dignified and happier.

If you also want to have the correct workplace mentality, you might as well try apathy-based work! Trust me, you will discover a new you!

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