The simplest and most effective talent assessment tool - PDP personality test

The simplest and most effective talent assessment tool - PDP personality test

##What is PDP personality test? In the recruitment process of enterprise employees, recruitment test is an important part. Common tests include intelligence tests, personality tests, etc. However, there are various types of actual tests, such as motivation tests, ability tests and personality tests. So with so many tests, which ones are commonly used by HR? How should these tests be used correctly? There are many types of assessment tools that can be used in the talent selection process, such as DISC, MBTI, PDP personality test, Big Five personality test, 16PF, Holland Professional Personality Test, etc. (PsycTest provides free tests for everyone). Among them, the PDP Personality Test is the simplest, fastest, and most accurate in practical operations, and the easiest to be quickly remembered and understood by HR and other department managers. The test link is at the end of the article. The full name of PDP Professional Dyna-Metric Programs is Professional Dyna-Metric Programs. It was jointly invented by the Institute of Statistics of the University of Southern California and the RtCatch Behavioral Science Institute of the United Kingdom: it can measure people’s basic behaviors and environmental impact. Reactive and predictable behavior patterns. There have been 16 million effective cases around the world, and more than 5,000 companies, research institutions and government departments continue to track its effectiveness. Investigations by research institutions have shown that when all procedures of the PDP test are effectively executed, the error rate is less than 4%. Because PDP uses the names of animals with the personality traits as personality dimension classification names, it is easy to remember and understand by non-professionals. It divides human personality into five types: tiger type, peacock type, owl type, koala type, and chameleon type. ##PDP personality type

###Tiger type

If you are a tiger type person, then you are a natural manager. ** Tiger-type people have high-dominance traits, are highly competitive, competitive, positive and confident, and are decisive organizers who will go all out once a goal is established. The ability to be good at controlling situations and making decisions decisively will make you stand out in the team and show your leadership potential; tiger-type people like challenges and adventures, and their high-quality work ability can be better reflected in reform and innovation. Your strong ability to accept and adapt to new things will be a great advantage for you. However, the disadvantage is that when feeling stressed, this type of person will place too much emphasis on completing work quickly and easily ignore details. They are more likely to be arbitrary in decision-making and difficult to compromise, so they are more likely to have disputes and frictions with others. . At this time, you may need a peacock-shaped assistant. A tiger-type leader and a peacock-shaped assistant will be the best combination. Why do you say this? ###Peacock type

If you are a peacock type person, then you will be an excellent socialist , suitable for serving Industry, journalism, public relations and other fields that require communication. Peacock people have a high degree of expressive ability and strong social skills. They like to interact with others, value the sense of belonging to the group, are willing to share, and have good affinity, which lays your foundation for the masses. On the contrary, the jumping thinking mode often fails to take into account details, and the persistence in completing things is the shortcoming of peacock people. Therefore, owl-shaped people are the most suitable partners with peacock-shaped people. ###Owl type

Owl type people are introverted and good at using numbers or rules as tools of expression. Not good at communicating emotions through language Or giving instructions to colleagues; being organized, disciplined, committed, strong in analytical skills, and high in accuracy are the guarantors of the best quality; being objective and reasonable, paying attention to details, being a perfectionist, and a professional talent **, suitable for development in professional fields. However, their often objective and calm approach may be perceived as emotionally cold; even under pressure, they sometimes over-analyze in order to avoid drawing conclusions. Then he will need a companion who is calm, yet gentle and kind in times of trouble, and this must be a koala type person. ###Koala type

The koala type has a high degree of patience, is honest and easy-going, and behaves calmly and self-control , life is regular but also easy-going, face-to-face Being able to deal with difficult situations calmly and being able to work both ways in a team is also an excellent match when working with tiger-type people. There are no limitations in terms of career. As long as it is a career that they like, koala people will go all out. Generally speaking, Koala-type people do not like to face disagreements with colleagues. They are unwilling to deal with disputes; they will show indecision when making decisions. When the company is exploring the market, tiger-type and peacock-type people seem to have more advantages, but when the company is stable in the market, the koala-type people will perform more prominently. ###Chameleon type

Having said so much, everyone seems to feel that chameleon type people are Isn’t it inappropriate to partner with others? No, on the contrary, a chameleon-type person is suitable for matching with any of the above people, because he combines the characteristics of a tiger, a peacock, a considerate person, and an owl, is moderate but not extreme, is not persistent in everything, is extremely resilient, and is good at communication. They are natural negotiators, they can fully integrate into various new environments and new cultures, and have good adaptability. They know how to depend on the situation and the occasion. Chameleon-type people can adapt to various professions, and the sales industry has the most chameleons. Chameleons are integrated talents, and their strengths are often their shortcomings. In the eyes of others, they are “without personality and without principles.”

##Match each other

People with five types of personalities can match each other to achieve the effect of complementing each other’s strengths. In a team, there must be people with various personalities. If you are the leader of the team and have a peacock personality, and your subordinates are tiger, koala, owl, or chameleon, you must be good at taking advantage of their strengths. Give “Tiger” more responsibilities and pay attention to the results orientation when assigning work; at the same time, let “Koala”’s subordinates be able to cooperate with “Tiger” work, and pay attention and gentle methods to tap the inner potential of “Koala”. “Owl” pays attention to details and has strong analytical skills. Before making a decision, “Owl” should be allowed to use its own strengths and analyze in a calm and scientific way to avoid the arbitrariness of “Tiger” and the hesitation of “Koala”. In the process of the project, there will be disagreements. This is the time for the “Chameleon” to show off his skills and use his strong communication skills and adaptability to make team members more aware of the team’s goals and complete the task perfectly. ##Conclusion Want to know your PDP personality type? PDP personality free test address:

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