Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENTJ’s shadow function personality analysis reveals the leader-type personality transformation!

Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENTJ’s shadow function personality analysis reveals the leader-type personality transformation!

Have you ever had such an experience? Sometimes you will show some behaviors or thoughts that are not consistent with your usual personality characteristics. For example, you are usually very rational and decisive, but sometimes you become very emotional and hesitant, or you Are you usually outgoing and proactive, but sometimes become introverted and passive? These may be your shadow function personality at work. What is shadow functional personality? How did it form? What impact and significance does it have on your personality development? This article will explore these issues based on MBTI and Jung’s eight-dimensional theory, focusing on analyzing the shadow functional personality of the ENTJ type to help you understand and give full play to the advantages of your shadow functional personality and achieve self-growth and development. PS This article is suitable for readers who already have a basic understanding of the concept of Jung’s Eight Dimensions (MBTI Cognitive Function). If you have not yet understood the relevant concepts, you can , or search for relevant information by yourself. ##What is shadow functional personality? Shadow functional personality refers to the side of a person’s personality that is opposite or relatively weak to its main personality characteristics. It is usually hidden in the subconscious and only emerges under certain circumstances, such as stress, conflict, in crisis or creative situations. The formation of shadow functional personality is related to MBTI and Jung’s eight-dimensional theory. MBTI is a personality classification method based on Jungian psychology. It divides personality into 16 types. Each type consists of four letters, which represent the tendencies of the four personality dimensions, namely extroversion (E) or introversion ( I), feeling (S) or intuition (N), thinking (T) or feeling (F), judging (J) or perceiving (P). Jung’s Eight Dimensions is a further expansion of MBTI. It believes that each person’s personality is not only composed of four functions (feeling, intuition, thinking, emotion) represented by four letters, but also each function has extroversion and introversion. Two tendencies, so each person’s personality is actually composed of eight functions, four of which are yang functions, that is, dominant function, auxiliary function, third function and fourth function, and the other four are shadow functions, that is, Fifth function, sixth function, seventh function and eighth function. The yang side function refers to the relatively strengthened and developed side of a person’s personality. They are usually at the level of consciousness, that is, the personality characteristics that a person usually displays. For example, for people with the ENTJ type, their yang side function is extroverted thinking. (Te), Introverted Intuition (Ni), Extroverted Sensing (Se), and Introverted Feeling (Fi). Shadow function refers to the relatively weak and repressed side of a person’s personality. They are usually at the subconscious level, that is, the personality characteristics that a person usually hides or ignores. For example, ENTJ type people, their shadow function is introversion. Thinking (Ti), Extroverted Intuition (Ne), Introverted Feeling (Si), and Extroverted Feeling (Fe). The specific transformation rule for shadow functional personality is that if you replace the first and fourth letters of a personality with opposite letters, you will get a shadow personality. For example, the shadow functional personality of ENTJ is INTP. This is because the first and fourth letters of a personality represent a person’s energy direction and lifestyle respectively. They are the most obvious and stable characteristics of a person’s personality. Therefore, when a person’s shadow When a functional personality emerges, it will exhibit an energy direction and lifestyle that is completely opposite to its primary personality. ##What is the shadow function personality of ENTJ? ENTJ type people are a typical leader personality. They are good at analysis and organization, like to formulate and execute plans, pursue efficiency and results, have strong self-confidence and decisiveness, like challenges and competition, and are not afraid of risks and changes. , have high demands on themselves and others. For ENTJ type people, their yang functions are extroverted thinking (Te), introverted intuition (Ni), extroverted feeling (Se) and introverted feeling (Fi). Their functions and order are as follows: - Dominant function: extroverted thinking (Te) , is the core function of ENTJ, which enables them to process and organize external information and things in a logical and rational manner, formulate and execute effective plans and strategies, solve and optimize problems, achieve and evaluate goals, manage and guide others , express and implement your own opinions and decisions. - Auxiliary function: Introverted intuition (Ni), is the supporting function of ENTJ, which enables them to understand and predict internal information and things in an abstract and profound way, construct and develop their own visions and ideals, create and innovate new ones ideas and methods, gain insight into and grasp future trends and opportunities, and adjust and improve your own plans and strategies. - The third function: Extraverted Sensing (Se), is the balancing function of ENTJ, which enables them to perceive and experience external information and things in a direct and practical way, enjoy and explore real environments and possibilities, action and adventure New challenges and changes, adapting to and responding to emergency situations and pressure, showing and attracting one’s own charm and style. - The fourth function: Introverted Feeling (Fi) is the repressed function of ENTJ, which enables them to evaluate and express internal information and things in a subjective and emotional way, recognize and adhere to their own values ​​and beliefs, and care for and respect themselves. Feelings and needs, empathizing with and understanding the emotions and motivations of others, balancing and reconciling one’s own rationality and sensibility. For ENTJ type people, their shadow functions are introverted thinking (Ti), extroverted intuition (Ne), introverted feeling (Si) and extroverted feeling (Fe). Their functions and order are as follows: - Fifth function: Introverted thinking (Ti ), is the opposing function of ENTJ, which is opposite to their dominant function of extroverted thinking (Te). It enables them to analyze and verify internal information and things in an independent and critical way, and establish and improve their own logic and theories. , explore and solve complex and abstract problems, pursue and maintain one’s own precision and consistency, challenge and question the opinions and decisions of others. Among ENTJ’s shadow function personalities, introverted thinking (Ti) is the strongest. It usually emerges when ENTJ encounters problems or conflicts that cannot be solved by its dominant function, making ENTJ become more in-depth and detailed, and more Ego and persistence, more stubbornness and sensitivity, more isolation and indifference. - The sixth function: Extraverted intuition (Ne) is the critical function of ENTJ. It is opposite to their auxiliary function introverted intuition (Ni). It enables them to perceive and associate external information and things in an open and diverse way. , diverge and expand one’s own imagination and possibilities, change and create new combinations and models, be flexible and adaptable to different environments and situations, and inspire and motivate others’ creativity and thinking. Among ENTJ’s shadow function personalities, extroverted intuition (Ne) is the second strongest one. It usually emerges when ENTJ encounters visions or ideals that cannot be realized by its own auxiliary function, making ENTJ become more scattered and disordered. , more curious and adventurous, more changeable and unstable, more cynical and irresponsible. - The seventh function: Introverted Sensing (Si), is the deceptive function of ENTJs. It is opposite to their third function, Extroverted Sensing (Se). It allows them to recall and organize internal information and information in a stable and traditional way. Things, retain and value one’s own experiences and memories, abide by and respect existing rules and habits, maintain and restore one’s own safety and comfort, cultivate and continue one’s own habits and style. Among ENTJ’s shadow function personalities, introverted feeling (Si) is the third strongest one. It usually emerges when ENTJ encounters an environment or pressure that their third function cannot adapt to, making ENTJ become more conservative and fixed. , more nostalgic and nostalgic, more rigid and stubborn, more anxious and restless. - The eighth function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe), is the demonic function of ENTJs. It is opposite to their fourth function, Introverted Feeling (Fi). It enables them to understand and express external information and information in an objective and harmonious way. things, regulate and adapt to one’s own emotions and attitudes, pay attention to and meet the feelings and needs of others, collaborate and communicate the ideas and intentions of others, establish and maintain one’s own society and relationships. Among ENTJ’s shadow function personalities, extroverted emotion (Fe) is the weakest. It usually emerges when an ENTJ encounters rationality or sensibility that cannot be balanced by its fourth function, making the ENTJ become more sensitive and emotional. , more dependent and submissive, more catering and pleasing, more hypocritical and contradictory. ##How to take advantage of the shadow functional personality? From the above analysis, it can be seen that although the shadow functional personality of ENTJ is opposite or relatively weakened from their main personality characteristics, they also have their own characteristics and advantages. They can provide ENTJ with some different solutions in some specific situations. Perspectives and resources help ENTJ develop their personality more comprehensively and balancedly. Therefore, how should ENTJs take advantage of their shadow functional personality? Here are some methods and techniques you can try: - Recognize and accept your shadow. First of all, you need to realize that your shadow functional personality is part of your personality. They are not your enemies or flaws, but your potential and resources. They can bring you some help and inspiration in some situations. . Therefore, you should not deny or suppress your shadow, but should accept and appreciate your shadow, treat them as your friends or partners, and coexist peacefully with them instead of confronting or conflicting with them. - Understand the characteristics and advantages of your own shadow. Secondly, you need to understand the characteristics and strengths of your shadow functional personality, know what perspectives and resources they can provide you, and under what circumstances they will surface and what impact they will have on you. You can increase your knowledge and understanding of your shadow function personality by reading some relevant books or articles, or taking part in some relevant tests or training, so as to make better use of them. - Observe how your own shadow appears and why. Thirdly, you need to observe the emergence and reasons of your shadow functional personality, and know under what kind of environment or pressure, what kind of stimulation or motivation, and in what way or degree, they manifest themselves. You can improve your awareness and analysis of your shadow function personality by recording and reviewing the events and processes in which your shadow function personality emerges, or by communicating and sharing your experiences and feelings about your shadow function personality with some trusted people. , thereby better controlling them. - Adjust the expression and application of your own shadows. Finally, you need to regulate the expression and use of your shadow functional personality, and know how to express and use your shadow functional personality at the appropriate time and extent, in the appropriate way and for the purpose, so that it can be coordinated with your yang functional personality. , rather than conflict, thereby better developing your personality. You can enhance your ability to express and use your shadow function personality by practicing and trying some activities or skills related to your shadow function personality, or communicating and cooperating with some people who are similar to your shadow function personality. and confidence to perform them better. ##Summary: Shadow functional personality is the side of a person’s personality that is opposite or relatively weak to its main personality characteristics. It is usually hidden in the subconscious and only emerges under certain circumstances to give a person Bringing some different perspectives and resources may also bring some troubles and conflicts to a person. Based on MBTI and Jung’s eight-dimensional theory, this article analyzes the shadow functional personality of the ENTJ type, that is, the INTP type, as well as their characteristics and advantages, and how to use their advantages to help ENTJ develop their own personality more comprehensively and balancedly. Personality. The value and potential of shadow functional personality should not be ignored or denied, but should be recognized and accepted, understood and observed, adjusted and applied, utilized and exerted. Only in this way can a person better understand and develop his or her personality, achieve self-growth and development, and have a richer and more colorful life. If you are interested in the topic of shadow functional personality, you can read some related books or articles, or participate in some related tests or training to increase your knowledge and understanding of your own and other people’s shadow functional personality, so as to better understand Spend time with yourself and others to better realize your potential and goals. > 📖 Read ###MBTI Type 16 Free Online Test If you still don’t know your MBTI personality type or want to Retest whether your personality type has changed. PsycTest officially provides a free MBTI Type 16 professional personality test. We hope it will be helpful to you. MBTI free test address:

Link to this article: https://psyctest.cn/article/bDxjLQGX/

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