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Schizotypal personality test: Find out if you have this invisible psychological disorder!

Do you have a schizotypal personality? Come and test it out! What is schizotypal personality? !Schizotypal personality Schizotypal personality is an uncommon personality disorder. Some people also call it cowardice and inferiority complex. People with this personality usually exhibit the following characteristics: Likes to be alone, doesn't like to socialize, doesn't care about other people's ...

What will be the result if AI is asked to take the classic psychological test of 'House Tree Man'?

'House Tree Man' Quiz The Tree-House-Person test, also known as the Tree-House-Person test, began with John Buck's 'Tree Drawing Test'. John Buck invented this method in 1948. The test subjects only need to draw a house, a tree and a person on three pieces of white paper to complete the test. In this test, subjects need to draw a house, a tree and a person, and then are asked to explain the draw...

10 Must-See Classic Psychology Movies

Recommend 10 classic psychological movies 1. 'A Beautiful Mind' ! The film is adapted from the biography of Nobel Prize winner John Nash, which tells the story of how he achieved major mathematical achievements while suffering from schizophrenia. The film presents the audience with many concepts about psychopathology, cognitive psychology, and behavioral psychology. In particular, the movie sho...

True interpretation of MBTI personality type: INFJ - Counselor

MBTI personality type: INFJ-Counselor INFJs are thoughtful nurturers with a strong sense of personal integrity and a drive to help others reach their potential. They are creative and dedicated, with a gift for helping others solve their personal challenges. !INFJ INFJ personality type Counselors have a unique intuitive ability to intuit the emotions and motivations of others and often know ho...

Understanding, diagnosing and treating obsessive-compulsive disorder

Do you often have this problem: repeatedly checking the doors, windows, and gas before going out, resulting in being late or unable to go out at all? Or can't stand a little bit of mess and always have to put things in order and wash hands/mop the floor constantly? Or constantly checking the bills that have been calculated and the exam papers that have been written? If you find yourself repeatedly...

True interpretation of MBTI personality type: ENFJ - teacher

MBTI personality type: ENFJ teacher The ENFJ is an idealistic organizer. They are driven to realize a vision that is best for humanity, often acting as catalysts for human growth. They see potential in others and have the charisma to convince others of their ideas. ENFJs focus on values and vision, and are passionate about people's potential. !ENFJ ENFJ personality type ENFJs are typically ene...

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