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LGBTQ+ term list

A Abro (sexual orientation and romantic orientation) This term is used to describe people whose sexual and/or romantic orientation changes over time or life experiences. They may use different words to express their identity. Ace (asexual) The term is an umbrella term used to describe people who have no, irregular, or occasional sexual attraction. This includes asexuals as well as demisexuals ...

What is LGBT? One article to help you understand the mystery of gender diversity

LGBT refers to the abbreviation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. Like heterosexual, they are used to describe people's sexual orientation or gender identity. terms of. These terms are explained in more detail below. lesbian A lesbian is a woman who is romantically, sexually, or emotionally attracted to women. Many lesbians prefer to be called lesbians rather than gays. gay men A gay ...

MBTI Complete Test: Type 16 Personality Corresponds to Ideal Career, Find Your Destined Job in 10 Minutes!

MBTI Career Personality Test Have you ever heard of the 'MBTI test'? The MBTI test is also called the 16-type personality psychological test. Through some simple questions, personality is divided into 16 corresponding personalities. Based on the results, it can also help you find a suitable job. This authoritative psychological test with a scientific basis is used by HR in many companies to anal...

Your sleeping position determines your health, come and see if you are sleeping right!

Your sleeping position determines your health, come and see if you are sleeping right!
do you know? The way you sleep every day may affect your physical and mental health. Different sleeping positions have different effects on your shoulders, neck and spine. If you want to sleep more comfortably and healthily, then you need to pay attention to your sleeping position. This article will show you how to choose the sleeping position that is best for you and how to use pillows to improve...

LGBT and Ally Basics

Do you understand the terms LGBT and “ally”? If you want to be an ally who supports and respects LGBT people, you need to master some basic terms and concepts, such as the meanings and differences of 'sex,' 'gender identity,' and 'sexual orientation.' LGBT is the acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people. It covers both sexual orientation (LGB) and biological sex or gend...

Among the 16 MBTI personalities, who is most likely to cheat? Who is the most loyal? Which one are you and your TA?

Among the 16 MBTI personalities, who is most likely to cheat? Who is the most loyal? Which one are you and your TA?
From the MBTI, you can also see which personalities are prone to emotional infidelity! Today let’s take a look at who among the MBTI16 personalities is most likely to cheat! What is MBTI? How to test your personality type? MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) is a forced-choice, self-report personality assessment test that is used to measure and describe people's psychological activity patterns an...

Love fortune psychological test: Calculate which love tarot card you are

Do you want to know your love fortune? Do you want to explore your emotional world and discover your true needs and potential challenges? Do you want to reveal your love destiny through a mysterious tarot card? If your answer is yes, then take our 'Calculate Which Love Tarot Card You Are' test! ! Tarot cards are an ancient divination tool that can help you understand your own heart, guide the di...

How to use the power of role models to help LGBT gain equality and respect in the workplace?

LGBT refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people who often experience discrimination and prejudice in society, especially in the workplace. LGBT employees who want to achieve success at work not only have to face the challenges of ordinary employees, but also face issues such as unfair pay, lack of protection, and poor working atmosphere. Is there a way to make LGBT employees feel conf...

Have you tried all five mainstream personality assessment tools?

Personality is an individual's internal behavioral tendency, which has the characteristics of uniqueness, integrity, structure, stability and other characteristics. It provides a unified internal explanation for each person's external behavior. Since Hippocrates' 'Four Liquids Theory' two thousand years ago, humans have never stopped researching 'personality psychology'. Up to now, there are many ...

Do fathers understand the mental load on mothers?

Can fathers share some of the hard work of mothers? Mothers are busy every day, washing clothes, cooking, organizing housework, taking care of children, and dealing with various trivial matters. Their work is never finished. And what about dads? Can they share family responsibilities with mothers so that mothers can have more time and energy to do the things they like? In the Netherlands, women ...

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