MBTI Complete Test: Type 16 Personality Corresponds to Ideal Career, Find Your Destined Job in 10 Minutes!

##MBTI Professional Personality Test Have you ever heard of the “MBTI test”? The MBTI test is also called the 16-type personality psychological test. Through some simple questions, the personality is divided into 16 corresponding personalities. Based on the results, it can also help you find a suitable job. This authoritative psychological test with a scientific basis is used by HR in many companies to analyze the personality of interviewees. There are also many dating apps that have fields to fill in the MBTI. What is the MBTI that can be used for finding a job, making friends, and finding a partner? What about the test? > Click here to test: Four Dimensions of MBTI Personality Test After starting the test, there will be some multiple-choice questions. Fill in the Agree or Object, fill in the questions based on your intuition, and try not to choose neutral answers. The entire test must be answered within 12 minutes and is based on the following four dimensions: - Energy distribution: Extroversion E - Introversion I - Information acquisition: Real feeling S - Intuition N - Judging things: Thinking T - Emotion F - Life style: Judgment J - Perception P can be roughly divided into the SJ category (guardian) with a sense of responsibility and professionalism, the SP category (explorer) with adventurous spirit, the NF category (diplomat) who is philosophical and eloquent, and the creative and imaginative category. NT category (Analyst). ##MBTI Test Analysis

#####SJ Category (ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ, ESFJ) > **Characteristics: Personality is charitable, meticulous and focused, especially strict in observing disciplines and rules, and is a typical perfectionist. ** > > Advantages: Serious, stable and practical, dedicated to duty > > Disadvantages: Emotionally depressed, unwilling to change, conservative and traditional > > Suitable occupations: civil servants, customs, lawyers, engineers, Firefighters, accountants, medical staff ####1. MBTI Type 16 personality traits - ISTJ

Yes The most common of all personality types, they share many characteristics, such as integrity, down-to-earth, and the ability to achieve goals with maximum efficiency and discipline. Favored by standards organizations and traditional environments, but relatively lacking in creativity, unwilling to change the status quo, and difficult to leave their comfort zone. Suitable jobs: soldiers, officers, civil servants, customs, lawyers. Celebrities with the same personality: George Washington, Anthony Hopkins####2. MBTI 16 personality traits - ISFJ

ISFJ obtains self-worth through dedication. They are kind-hearted and treat others kindly, which can give people the power of stability. Be willing to invest in the things you like, be willing to endure hardships, and be thoughtful. However, those with an overly altruistic personality are less able to express their own needs, lack a sense of leadership and authority, and have relatively conservative ideas. Suitable jobs: medical work, social charity, accountants, service industry, catering industry. Celebrities with the same personality: Princess Kate, Elizabeth II####3. MBTI Type 16 Personality Traits - ESTJ

Like ISFJ people, they are very dedicated and hands-on in doing things, and prefer teamwork to working alone. However, they are more decisive in personality and will never tolerate lazy people. They are also more rigid and find it difficult to use creativity to break through the current situation. Suitable jobs: sales work, financial work, management positions, administrative supervisors. Celebrities with the same personality: Emma Watson, Hillary Clinton####4. MBTI Type 16 Personality Traits-ESFJ

People with this personality are often the popular king and pistachio in the group. They like to encourage others and give others strength. They always pay attention to others and care about the current life conditions of the people around them. , will spend a lot of energy on maintaining harmony and making comprehensive plans. However, because I spend too much energy on others, I often feel tired and easily affected. I need the approval of others, and it is difficult to achieve spiritual freedom. Suitable jobs: medical work, education, clerical staff, advertising planning, event planning, non-profit organizations Celebrities with the same personality: Taylor Swift, Bill Clinton — ###SP category (ISTP, ISFP, ESTP, ESFP) > **Characteristics: Like jobs with high variability, have a high sense of identity with their work and interests, want to explore new things, and have high adaptability. ** > > Advantages: Brave, willing to take risks, innovative and smart, bold and leading > > Disadvantages: Live too much in the moment, don’t like long-term planning, and often challenge the organizational system when planning > > Suitable occupations: artists, entertainers, public relations, journalists, business ####5. MBTI 16-type personality characteristics - ISTP

Enjoy life and get bored easily, so they especially love to explore new ideas in life. Creative personalities especially look forward to challenges and like to do things with their hands to create new things and create a sense of accomplishment. Interacting with machines is more suitable for their meticulous personalities than interacting with people. But relatively speaking, he is not very good at dealing with the world, and his personality is relatively elusive. Suitable jobs: craftsmen, machinists, technicians, software and hardware engineers, and pilots. Celebrities with the same personality: Steve Jobs, Ashton Kutcher####6. MBTI Type 16 Personality Traits—ISFP

Like to achieve spiritual liberation through exciting activities, such as gambling, extreme sports, long-distance travel, etc., and need more changes and stimulation in life than the average person . Because he is always challenged, he is highly adaptable to the environment, easily triggers imagination, and has an irresistible charm. However, the impulsive personality is not very good at planning and is less able to handle things objectively. Suitable jobs: Artists, musicians, travel workers, writers, chefs, pastry chefs Celebrities with the same personality: Michael Jackson, Rihanna, Beckham####7. MBTI Type 16 Personality Traits - ESTP

Entrepreneurs are particularly daring to take risks and tolerate changes, and can provide a lot of momentum in new organizations. I love living in the present and always do what I say. It is difficult for me to adapt to traditional organizations and schools. He has extraordinary perceptive abilities and is good at discerning opportunities, but he is also relatively impatient, so he often ignores risks and consequences in a hurry. Suitable jobs: journalists, travel workers, hosts, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, parliamentarians, stylists Celebrities with the same personality: Donald Trump, Angelina Jolie####8. MBTI 16-type personality characteristics— —ESFP

I like to express myself, sing, dance and perform in front of everyone, and always immerse myself in the current atmosphere. Because they get bored easily, their attention is easily lost, but they will forget about food and sleep when it comes to things they really like, and they will never tire of it. Hedonistic ESFPs are not very good at making future plans, and their logical thinking and sensibility are irrational. Suitable jobs: interior designers, fashion designers, artists, musicians, preschool teachers, social workers Celebrities with the same personality: Leonardo, Marilyn Monroe, Adele — ###NF category (INFJ, INFP , ENFJ, ENFP) > **Characteristics: Good at solving problems and difficulties, a kind-hearted altruist, and a charismatic leader. ** > > Advantages: generous, good at resolving difficulties, passionate > > Disadvantages: too altruistic, idealistic, too sensitive > > Suitable occupations: teachers, clergy, counselors, Trainer, human resources specialist ####9. MBTI Type 16 personality traits - INFJ

This type This personality type is very rare in society, accounting for less than 1%. Their innate idealism and moral sense make them like to devote themselves to charity activities or rescue work. Their decisive judgment further enables their ideals to be realized down-to-earth. However, because of these ideals and practicality, they excessively pursue perfection and find it difficult to open up and release stress. Suitable jobs: social workers, mediators, spiritual workers, human resources specialists, nutritionists, morning therapists, diviners Celebrities with the same personality: Gandhi, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Martin Luther King ####10. MBTI type 16 personality characteristics - INFP

People with this personality type are also idealists, but they are different from INFJ INFJ’s idealism comes from logical judgment, while INFP’s is based on their own inner feelings and personal principles, and is relatively sentimental. Rather than taking steps one step at a time, they are more full of curiosity and creativity. They may seem inaccessible but are actually cold on the outside and hot on the inside. They have a creative universe inside. An overly idealistic personality tends to believe that others ignore reality and is easily deceived. Suitable jobs: illustrators, writers, designers, journalists, actors, teachers, spiritual workers, diviners Celebrities with the same personality: J.K. Rowling, John Lennon, Shakespeare####11. MBTI Test Type 16 Personality characteristics - ENFJ

ENFJs are natural leaders, and their energy and charisma can easily influence others. Whether it is a positive influence or the spread of negative emotions, ENFJs can easily affect the feelings of others, so they can also guide others to unite and like to lead and participate in public affairs. However, ENFJs, who need to participate in activities and organizations to gain a sense of accomplishment, are too eager to be recognized by others and are prone to overthinking and overthinking. Suitable jobs: teachers, speakers, coaches, lecturers, tour guides, politicians. Celebrities with the same personality: Obama, Oprah Winfrey####12. MBTI test 16 personality traits-ENFP

This type of personality is as charming as ENFJ and can influence others. However, ENFP cares more about the charm created by emotion and life experience than the ENFJ leader personality. They are willing to risk their lives for their dreams like fools and constantly reflect on the deeper meanings of life experience. They can achieve true spiritual freedom. However, they are overly reflective and often think more than they do, and their overly curious personality also makes them less focused. Suitable jobs: Artists, flight attendants, teachers, reporters, planners Celebrities with the same personality: Robert Downey Jr., Quentin Tarantino, Robin Williams — ###NT category (INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, ENTP) > **Characteristics: Good at judging and analyzing things, having excellent intuition but not being impulsive, being able to make thoughtful and quick decisions. Always in pursuit of knowledge, for them wisdom is truth. ** > > Advantages: Wisdom, strong sense of logic, principled and determined, rich inner world > > Disadvantages: Too competitive mentality, ignoring other people’s feelings, arrogance > > Suitable for career : Scholar, professor, inventor, entrepreneur, debater ####13. MBTI Type 16 Personality Characteristics - INTJ

This type of person has a very independent personality, likes to be alone, and is unlikely to have his or her beliefs shaken by the comments of others. Nothing is impossible for them by thinking carefully and maintaining the right attitude. However, this kind of character of being too humble in high places is often laughed at in childhood and considered arrogant in adulthood. Suitable jobs: financial experts, technical researchers, lawyers, strategists, scientists, actuaries, construction engineers. Celebrities with the same personality: Mark Zuckerberg, Marx####14. MBTI Type 16 Personality Traits - INTP

This type of personality is very independent like INTJ and likes to pursue wisdom, but the difference is that they have a little more flexibility and Creativity is also rational. They are open-minded and can judge objectively. They have difficulty understanding other people’s complaints, are not emotionally sensitive, are somewhat condescending, and hate stupid and mediocre people. Suitable jobs: Research developers, software designers, computer engineers, financial planners, systems analysts. Celebrities with the same personality: Aristotle, Newton, Hitler, Einstein, Lincoln####15. MBTI 16 personality traits ——ENTJ

ENTJs are natural leaders like ENFJs, but their styles of leading teams are completely different. ENFJ tends to infect others with charm and emotion, while ENTJ is used to managing others with norms and successful experience, and is very results-oriented. Their persistence and rationality give them strong motivation to push the team to achieve goals, but their sharp-edged personalities can easily cause discomfort and pressure to others. Suitable jobs: business, administrative managers, generals, financiers, bank specialists Celebrities with the same personality: Bill Gates, Margaret Thatcher####16. MBTI Type 16 Personality Traits - ENTP

ENTP and ENTJ need dogma and rules to achieve their goals, but the difference is that ENTP prefers to dismantle and rebuild. These dogmas and rules need to be their own Ordered. For organizations with high activity and no rules, they can open up new ways and elevate themselves to an indispensable position. However, such a personality is prone to questioning the boss, doubting the partner, not understanding the colleagues, and the conflict personality is less harmonious. Suitable jobs: Lawyers, debaters, entrepreneurs, photographers, advertising industry. Celebrities with the same personality: Franklin, Leonardo da Vinci — ##MBTI Scientific basis

##MBTI (full name: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, referred to as MBTI), The Chinese translation is the Myers-Briggs Personality Classification Index, which is based on the Swedish psychoanalyst Carl. Jung’s book “Psychological Types” served as the basis for the classification, which was later studied and developed by American psychologists Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. If you want to have a deeper understanding of MBTI personality types, you must not miss PsycTest’s ! Here, you can test your MBTI type for free, and there are also various exciting articles waiting for you to explore. PsycTest’s MBTI section will help you better understand yourself and others, master more interpersonal communication skills, and better move towards success and happiness. Let’s discover more exciting content together!

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