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How to get rid of the psychological shadow of domestic violence and regain confidence and happiness

Domestic violence is an act of violence between family members that may involve physical, mental or sexual abuse. Domestic violence typically involves violent or controlling behavior by one or more family members against another person or persons, which may include a spouse, parents, children, relatives or others living in the same household or residence. Domestic violence is a very serious socia...

Urging marriage is a kind of violence, and young people not getting married is the most responsible sign of marriage.

There is a phenomenon in society today that young people are always urged to get married by their parents. These parents may feel that they are thinking about their children's happiness, but in fact they may not realize that their behavior is a form of violence and disrespect for their children's feelings and marriage. The consequences of urging marriage: irresponsible marriage !urge to marry P...

Antisocial Personality Disorder: Do you know someone like this?

Have you ever met someone who always ignores right and wrong, doesn't care about other people's feelings and rights, often lies, cheats, manipulates or hurts others, but never feels guilty or regretful? Do they frequently break the law and engage in dangerous or violent behavior without responsibility or concern for the consequences? Are they self-righteous, arrogant, and always thinking they are ...

PsycTest User Registration Agreement Terms

Update time: June 26, 2023 Effective date: June 26, 2023 respected user: You are welcome to choose and use PsycTest products. PsycTest reminds you that please read all the following content carefully, especially the terms in bold or other reasonable ways to draw your attention, and please focus on reading the terms (especially the terms of intellectual property authorization and personal infor...

Before falling in love, you need to have these 5 kinds of prediction skills

Falling in love is a beautiful thing, but it is also something that requires caution. You may meet all kinds of people, some will bring you happiness and some will bring you pain. If you want to find a suitable partner, you need to have a certain amount of predictability and be able to see the other person's true face before falling in love to avoid falling into a bad relationship. What is predic...

10 ways to improve your communication skills 10 times!

10 ways to improve your communication skills 10 times!
Do you often find it difficult to communicate with others? Do you want to make yourself more popular? Do you want to be more convincing? If your answer is “yes,” then you need to learn how to improve your communication skills. Communication skills refer to your ability to communicate, listen, and express with others. With good communication skills, you can learn, work, and live more smoothly and b...

Dog whistle abuse: a type of psychological violence that leaves you provoked in public but unable to fight back!

Have you ever suffered from this kind of invisible psychological abuse? Have you ever had the experience of having your loved one or partner say something seemingly harmless to you in public, but it made you feel extremely uncomfortable, wronged, and angry? And when you express your emotions, others misunderstand you as being unreasonable, sensitive, suspicious, and ignorant? If so, congratulatio...

Is it a good or bad habit to stick to negative news? How to get rid of the doomsday scrolling problem?

Why do we pay close attention to negative news? In this era of information explosion, we are exposed to all kinds of news every day, many of which are negative, depressing, and even scary. Epidemics, disasters, violence, conflicts... these events make us feel powerless and frightened, but also make us irresistibly want to know more. We constantly refresh the screen of our mobile phones and watch ...

Do you have a savior complex? Come and test it out!

What is the savior complex? Have you ever had this experience: when you see people around you encounter difficulties or pain, you can't help but want to lend a helping hand to help them solve their problems, even at the expense of your own interests and happiness? If so, you may be suffering from a psychological phenomenon called a 'savior complex.' 'Savior complex' refers to a tendency to care ...

How to differentiate between normal anxiety and anxiety disorders? Here's a free psychological test!

Anxiety is a normal emotional response that we all feel when we are faced with stress, danger, or difficulty. However, if anxiety is excessive, persistent, or unreasonable, it may affect our quality of life and health. At this time, we may suffer from anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorder is a mental illness that comes in many different types and manifestations. According to statistics in the Unite...

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