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Do these 4 things: you will benefit greatly in the next 20 years!

In this era of rapid change, how to make your life more quality, meaningful and happy? This is a question that many people are thinking about. This article shares some methods that can help you improve your life management ability, attention investment ability, independent earning ability, and rational consumption ability. These methods have been verified by practice. If you can persist in doing t...

MBTI 16 personality type love matching

What is MBTI? MBTI is a personality test classification index. It is a personality assessment test proposed by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katharine Cook Briggs in 1942 after long-term research based on Swiss psychologist Carl Jung's book 'Psychological Types'. Through the question and answer tendencies of the test, 16 personality types are roughly combined, allowing the test taker to fur...

It's not that life has smoothed your edges, but that you chose to give up! Cognition-driven, let you stick to it!

It's not that life has smoothed your edges, but that you chose to give up! Cognition-driven, let you stick to it!
Have you ever had such an experience? You want to do something, such as learning a new language, losing weight and getting in shape, or taking a certificate. You are very confident when you start and feel that you can do it. You make a detailed plan and take action. However, as time goes by, you find that things are not as simple as you imagined, you encounter many difficulties, and your interest ...

A must-see for college students! Kant teaches you how to plan your future

A must-see for college students! Kant teaches you how to plan your future
Have you just entered college and are full of longing and expectations for the future? Do you want to know how you can plan your future so that you can realize your dreams? Do you want to listen to the advice of the great philosopher Kant and let him teach you how to plan your future? If your answer is 'yes', then you need to continue reading because this article is for you. This article will tel...

Free MBTI Test: Discover your own personality type and explore the deepest part of you!

Do you want to know your own personality type? Do you want to learn about your personality, talents, career interests, and behavioral preferences? Now, we offer you a free MBTI test to help you explore your inner self and discover your true self. What is the MBTI test? MBTI is the abbreviation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a test used to determine an individual's psychological type. It describ...

26 in-depth thoughts on a successful life

Al Ries, the global master of strategic positioning and the first author of 'Positioning', has 26 in-depth thoughts on a successful life, which will help you clear up the fog of life and save you ten years of detours: 1. It doesn’t matter whether you are smart, resourceful, driven, or personable. Don't just look at yourself, look outside, find a good horse and your life will be exciting. 2. To a...

Dependent Personality Disorder: Two simple and effective ways to get rid of dependence and find your own strength

What is Dependent Personality Disorder? Dependent personality disorder is a common psychological problem that causes people to have a strong need for the care and companionship of others. This need is not true love, but a compulsive, blind, and irrational desire. People with this problem will give up their own interests and values, and feel satisfied as long as they can find someone to rely on. D...

How to get rid of procrastination: Sohu founder Zhang Chaoyang’s experience sharing

Procrastination is a common psychological phenomenon that affects people's work efficiency and quality of life. Many people have had this experience: when faced with an important or difficult task, they always want to postpone it until the last minute, or even not do it at all. Not only does this behavior lead to a decrease in the quality of the assignment, it also creates stress and guilt for you...

20 rules you must know in relationships

Relationships are an integral part of our lives, affecting our emotions, growth, and happiness. However, interpersonal communication is not an easy thing. It requires us to master some basic principles and skills in order to avoid unnecessary trouble and conflicts. In this article, I will share with you 20 rules of interpersonal relationships, hoping to help you improve your interpersonal skills a...

10 key skills and habits to improve communication skills that you must know!

10 key skills and habits to improve communication skills that you must know!
If you want to improve your communication skills, then you must read this article. We will share with you 10 key skills and habits to improve your communication skills, making your expression more effective, more engaging, and more interactive. Test how high your communication skills can be. Test address: Test how high your communication skills can be 1. Develop the habit of expressing your thou...

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