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26 in-depth thoughts on a successful life

Al Ries, the global master of strategic positioning and the first author of 'Positioning', has 26 in-depth thoughts on a successful life, which will help you clear up the fog of life and save you ten years of detours: 1. It doesn’t matter whether you are smart, resourceful, driven, or personable. Don't just look at yourself, look outside, find a good horse and your life will be exciting. 2. To a...

The brain feels blue: Where do we place our emotions?

There are many angles to explain depression and anxiety, such as psychological, social, physiological, etc., and the evolutionary angle may be something you have never thought of. Do you think that suffering from depression or anxiety is because your brain is sick? Author Anders Hansen, a psychiatrist, tells you that your brain is actually working pretty well! ! We are all animals We often forg...

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