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MBTI book list: 10 must-read books to help you understand yourself, discover your potential, and improve your leadership skills

Do you want to understand your personality type, discover your potential and strengths, find a career direction that suits you, and improve your leadership and interpersonal relationships? If your answer is yes, then you must not miss the following MBTI-related books. They will take you into a new world of psychology, allowing you to understand yourself, understand others, and win in character! W...

MBTI Type 16 Personality Analysis——INFP

INFP——Philosopher (Therapist) Personality A quiet observer, idealistic and loyal to his values and important people. I hope that my lifestyle will be consistent with my inner values. Curious and quick to see opportunities. Often serves as a catalyst for the development of creative ideas. Be flexible, adaptable and able to endure unless your values are violated. An attempt to understand and develo...

MBTI——Detailed explanation of SP type

There are 16 personality types in the MBTI classification system, each of which consists of tendencies along four dimensions (extroversion-introversion, feeling-intuition, thinking-emotion, and judgment-perception). These four dimensions produce 16 different personality types, which are divided into four groups: SP type, SJ type, NF type and NT type. SP Type: Genius Exploration Creator !MBTI Per...

What is the MBTI personality test?

What is the MBTI personality test? !MBTI Personality Type Introduction to the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator Since 1917, the MBTI is considered the most popular personality test today. MBTI stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and identifies 16 personality types through a series of multiple-choice questions. This method of personality indicators originated from the taxonomic theory of Swiss psych...

MBTI - Detailed explanation of SJ type

There are 16 personality types in the MBTI classification system, each of which consists of tendencies along four dimensions (extroversion-introversion, feeling-intuition, thinking-emotion, and judgment-perception). These four dimensions produce 16 different personality types, which are divided into four groups: SP type, SJ type, NF type and NT type. SJ Type: Loyal Guardian of Order !MBTI Person...

MBTI - Detailed explanation of NT type

There are 16 personality types in the MBTI classification system, each of which consists of tendencies along four dimensions (extroversion-introversion, feeling-intuition, thinking-emotion, and judgment-perception). These four dimensions produce 16 different personality types, which are divided into four groups: SP type, SJ type, NF type and NT type. NT type: the cradle of scientists and thinkers...

MBTI Type 16 Personality Analysis——INFJ

INFJ——The Counselor Personality Succeed because of perseverance, creativity and the intention that must be achieved. Will put the most effort into the work. Concern others quietly, powerfully, sincerely and with heart. Respected for adhering to principles. Propose a clear vision for the benefit of the public and be respected and followed. Pursue ideas, relationships, and the meaning and relevance...

From myth to reality: Uncovering the secrets of narcissistic personality disorder

Are you a narcissist? Come and test it out! An ancient myth !Narcissistic Personality Disorder In ancient Greece, there was a beautiful young man named Narcissus. He has bright eyes, black hair, and a perfect face. Wherever he goes, he arouses the envy and admiration of everyone. But he disdains anyone and only loves himself. One day, he came to a clear lake and was ready to drink water. When ...

MBTI’s best CP combination: ISTJ+ESTJ

Hello everyone, this is PsycTest, which focuses on providing free online psychological tests. Today I want to introduce to you one of the best CP combinations in MBTI: ISTJ+ESTJ. You may think, aren’t these two types very serious and disciplined? How can they be the best CP? In fact, there are many similarities and complementarities between them, making them a tacit couple. Want to know how they ...

Cancer ENTP: Sharp thinking and emotions coexist

Cancer ENTPs are a very special character. They have sharp minds and flexible ways of thinking, and they also pay great attention to emotions and perceptual experiences. They are good at innovation and exploration, and also have good expression and communication skills. When dealing with problems, they pay more attention to logic and rationality, as well as emotion and perceptual experience. adva...

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