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What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? How to identify and help people with ASD?

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that includes different types and degrees of autism. The core symptoms of autism are social communication impairment, language communication impairment and repetitive stereotyped behaviors. Autism spectrum disorders range widely, and some people may have only mild symptoms, while others may hav...

How is your physical health? Quickly measure your BMI and body surface area

Do you want to know about your physical health? Is it reasonable for you to want to take control of your weight? Do you want to know if your body surface area is normal? If your answer is yes, then there are two important metrics you need to know: Body Mass Index (BMI) and Body Surface Area. What are BMI and body surface area? ! BMI is calculated based on the ratio of height and weight. It can...

Upward communication in the workplace

Have you ever had such an experience or confusion: 1. Although you have worked very hard and undertaken many important tasks or projects, you have not received the benefits you deserve? 2. In the project you and Xiao Ming worked on together, both of you performed well, but your superiors seemed to favor Xiao Ming? 3. You are very serious and attentive in doing everything assigned by your superior...

Jay Chou is an INTJ! An inventory of 16 'MBTI personalities' of Taiwanese celebrities. Let's see who has the same type as you.

Have you taken the 'MBTI Personality Test' that is making waves all over the world? This psychological test divides human beings into 16 categories. If you don’t know which personality you belong to, you can click my test to see ~ In addition to your own personality, you also want to know which artist is similar to you ? MBTI Personality Database can query the MBTI types of artists. Now let’s take...

True Interpretation of MBTI Personality Type: ESFJ - Provider

MBTI Personality Type: ESFJ Provider ESFJs are conscientious helpers, highly sensitive to the needs of others and actively committed to fulfilling their responsibilities. They are adept at adapting to emotional situations and paying attention to how others feel and what they think about them. ESFJs enjoy a sense of harmony and cooperation around them and are eager to please and help. !ESFJ ESFJ...

A comprehensive review of the psychological effects of the movie 'She Disappeared'

How many breathtaking psychological effects does the movie 'She Disappears' quietly spread? 'She Disappeared' is a 2023 Chinese suspense film produced by Chen Sicheng, directed by Cui Rui and Liu Xiang, starring Zhu Yilong, Ni Ni, Wen Yongshan, and Du Jiang as a special guest star. The film is adapted from the former Soviet film 'A Trap for the Bachelor' and the real incident in which Wang Nuannu...

A true interpretation of MBTI personality type: ESFP - Performer

MBTI Personality Type: ESFP – Performer ESFPs are lively entertainers who captivate and inspire those around them. They are spontaneous, energetic and fun-loving, and are also very interested in things around them, such as food, clothing, nature and animals, especially people. !ESFP ESFP Personality Type ESFPs are typically warm, talkative, and enthusiastic about life. They like to be at the c...

True interpretation of MBTI personality type: INFJ - Counselor

MBTI personality type: INFJ-Counselor INFJs are thoughtful nurturers with a strong sense of personal integrity and a drive to help others reach their potential. They are creative and dedicated, with a gift for helping others solve their personal challenges. !INFJ INFJ personality type Counselors have a unique intuitive ability to intuit the emotions and motivations of others and often know ho...

True interpretation of MBTI personality type: INTP-Architect

MBTI personality type: INTP-Architect INTPs are philosophical innovators, obsessed with logical analysis, systems, and design. They are engrossed in theory and looking for universal laws behind everything. They want to understand the unifying themes of life, in all its complexity. !INTP INTP personality type INTPs are detached, analytical observers. They appear to be blind to the world around ...

A true interpretation of MBTI personality type: ENTP - a visionary

MBTI personality type: ENTP Visionary ENTPs are inspired innovators who actively seek new solutions to intellectually challenging problems. They are curious, intelligent, and seek to understand the people, systems, and principles around them. Open-minded and unconventional, eager to analyze, understand and influence others. !ENTP ENTP personality type ENTPs love to use their creativity and esp...

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