Holland Vocational Interest Island Free Online Test

Holland Vocational Interest Island Free Online Test

Workplace/career 4 1 Minutes 4

John Holland is a professor of psychology at Johns Hopkins University and a famous career guidance expert in the United States. He proposed the vocational interest theory in 1959, which has broad social influence. It is believed that people’s personality type, interests and occupation are closely related. Interest is a huge driving force for people’s activities. Any occupation with occupational interest can improve people’s enthusiasm and encourage people to actively and happily engage in the occupation, and occupational interest and personality There is a high correlation between them. Holland believes that personality can be divided into six types: realistic, research, artistic, social, entrepreneurial and conventional.

Holland’s vocational interest theory analyzes the value of career choice and career success: vocational interest is the most important factor in career choice and a powerful spiritual force. The vocational interest test can help individuals clarify their subjective aptitudes, so as to Get the most suitable activity situation and invest the maximum ability. According to Holland’s theory, an individual’s occupational interests can affect his or her level of career satisfaction. When the occupation in which an individual engages matches his occupational interest type, the individual’s potential abilities can be brought into full play and work performance will be more significant. . With the help of career interest tests, individuals can clearly understand their own career interest types and subjective tendencies in career choices, so as to find the most suitable career among the numerous career opportunities and avoid blind behavior in career choices. Especially for college students and people who lack professional experience, Holland’s career interest theory can help make career choices and career design, successfully make career adjustments, and understand and develop one’s professional abilities as a whole. Career interest is also a key to career success. important factors.

The famous Holland Career Interest Test is one of the most authoritative career-oriented analysis tests available, allowing everyone to prepare and plan for their future career in advance based on their individual type.

Test purpose: This test compares the 6 individual types of Holland Codes (RIASEC) to islands. By choosing the island, you can gain insight into your true individual type, match the career content you like and dislike, and help you Grasp your career positioning and direction.

Test question: Let’s first visit 6 magical professional interest islands:

Island A - ‘Beautiful and Romantic Island’ This island is full of art galleries and concert halls, and is filled with a strong atmosphere of art and culture. The islanders retain traditional dance, music and painting. Many people in the literary and artistic circles like to come here to hold salon parties and seek inspiration.

Island C - ‘Modern Orderly Island’ The modern buildings standing everywhere mark this as a progressive, urban island. The island’s household administration, land administration and financial management are all very complete. The islanders have a calm and conservative personality, are methodical and good at organizing and planning.

E Island - ‘Prosperous and Prosperous Island’ The island’s economy is highly developed, with high-end hotels, clubs, and golf courses everywhere. The islanders are enthusiastic and outgoing, and are good at business management and trade activities. Most of the people on the island are entrepreneurs, managers, politicians, lawyers, etc. These business celebrities and upper class people enjoy a high quality of life on the island.

I Island - ‘Island of Deep Thought and Meditation’ This island is flat and green, with few people and secluded, suitable for stargazing at night. There are many planetariums, science and technology museums, and science libraries on the island. Islanders like cats best in their little houses, where they study knowledge, meditate, and explore true knowledge every day. Philosophers, scientists and psychologists meet here to discuss academic issues and exchange ideas.

R Island - ‘Natural Primitive Island’ This is a green island with excellent natural ecology. The island not only retains original ecosystems such as tropical rainforests, but also has established botanical gardens, zoos, and aquariums of considerable scale. The islanders are known for their handicrafts. They grow their own flowers, fruits, vegetables, repair their houses, build utensils, and make tools.

S Island - ‘Warm and Friendly Island’ The islanders on this island are gentle, helpful and have very friendly interpersonal relationships. Everyone helps and cooperates with each other and attaches great importance to educating future generations. Each community can form its own closely interactive service network, full of humanistic care.

The quick version of the Holland Career Interest Test allows you to gain insight into your true career interests by choosing an island, discover the career content you like, and help you grasp the right direction when positioning your career.

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