Enneagram Free Online Test | 36 Questions Lite Version

Enneagram Free Online Test | 36 Questions Lite Version

Character/Personality 50 4 Minutes 90

Welcome to the Enneagram Test! This is a psychological theory that describes human personality traits and behavioral patterns. According to the Enneagram theory, each person is classified into nine different personality types, each with its own unique characteristics, motivations, and behavioral patterns. This test is a free beta version of the Enneagram test questionnaire, with a total of 36 questions. In each question, please choose the sentence that you think best describes your personality or behavior.

The English Enneagram of the Enneagram comes from two Greek words ennea and gram (grammos); ennea represents the number 9 and gram represents the figure. We can also call it ‘Nine Pillars Chart’, ‘Nine Star Chart’, ‘Nine Point Chart’, etc., but for the sake of unification and easy identification, the most common and comprehensive name is still ‘Enneagram Personality’. Enneagram, also known as personality typology and nine personalities, is a psychological theory that describes human personality traits and behavior patterns. The theory was developed in the 1980s by Austin Oaks (Don Richard Riso) and Russ Hudson, who combined ideas from a number of psychologists and philosophers and applied them to human personality types Classification. It includes activity level; regularity; range of interest; intensity of response; psychological quality; degree of distraction; range/persistence of concentration.

According to the Enneagram theory, each person is classified into nine different personality types, each with its own unique characteristics, motivations, and behavioral patterns. These nine types are labeled:

  1. The Perfectionist: pursues perfection and has a strong sense of ethics and responsibility.
  2. The Helper: Pays attention to the needs of others and is willing to help others.
  3. The Achiever: pursues success and achievement and is highly motivated and goal-oriented.
  4. The Artist (The Individualist): Pays attention to personal feelings and uniqueness, and pursues personal creativity and self-expression.
  5. The Investigator: Curious, rational and analytical, he likes to observe and understand things.
  6. The Loyalist: Security and stability are their focus, and they are always alert and wary of risks.
  7. The Enthusiast: Full of energy and optimism, eager to experience a rich and diverse life.
  8. The Challenger: Confident, determined and capable of leadership, likes to challenge authority and pursue justice.
  9. The Peacemaker: longs for harmony and internal and external balance, and tends to resolve conflicts and maintain peace.

Each person tends toward one or more of the Enneagram types, but there is usually a main type that describes their personality traits and behavioral patterns. The Enneagram theory is designed to help people better understand themselves and others to promote personal growth, enhance interpersonal relationships, and improve communication effectiveness.

This is an Enneagram chart:

Enneagram Chart

  • Direction of character degradation: 1-4-2-8-5-7-1, 3-9-6-3
  • Character growth direction: 1-7-5-8-2-4-1, 3-6-9-3

As shown in the figure, the Enneagram divides people according to different temperament types into nine basic personality types: perfecting type, giving type, practical type, romantic type, observation type, doubting type, enjoyment type, leadership type and mediator type. Everyone must belong to one of these types.

In the Enneagram personality chart, we call the personalities represented by numbers 3-6-9 the core personality, and the adjacent angles on both sides of these three core angles are called the two wings of the core angle, representing Types of variation in internalization or externalization of core personality. In other words, the character of the two wing characters is developed from the character of the core character. The characteristics of the core character are hidden in it and have potential common characteristics. For example, the two wings of character No. 3 - characters No. 2 and No. 4 are related to the character of No. 3. No. 3 also has a strong imagination, and No. 5 and No. 7, the two wings of the No. 6 personality, are as suspicious and full of fear as the No. 6. Psychologists further divide the Enneagram into three triads based on the characteristics of the three core personalities and their two wings.

  1. Emotional triad - the direct reaction when encountering a problem is derived from emotions, feelings and feelings: core personality - No. 3 practical type, internalizing - No. 4 romantic type, externalizing - No. 2 giving type
  2. Thinking triad - the direct reaction when encountering a problem is derived from analysis, understanding and induction: core personality - Suspicious type No. 6, internalization - observation type No. 5, externalization - hedonistic type No. 7
  3. Instinct Triad - the immediate reaction when encountering a problem is to use immediate action to solve the problem: Core personality - Mediation type No. 9, Internalization - Perfection type No. 1, Externalization - Leadership type No. 8

It should be noted that in the nine-pillar chart, only the two wings of the horns 3-6-9 are the expression of its internalization or externalization, while the two wings of other horns do not have such a relationship. For example, the two wings of the character No. 8 and No. 7 The personality of Type 9 is not the internalization and externalization of Type 8. But even so, the two wings of any corner are very important, because they will also have an impact on the personality of the central corner. For example, the personality of No. 4 may be biased towards the personality of No. 5, who keeps everything in mind, or it may be biased toward the personality of No. 3. , using a positive and excited performance to cover up the depression deep inside.

The Enneagram is suitable for both adults and children. We will not change our dominant personality just because we have learned the Enneagram or experienced different life experiences. However, life is dynamic, and people will continue to change their behavior and attitude with different environments, and the same goes for our character. When we begin to pay attention to our behavior and attitude, and care about our own souls, our character will begin to grow healthily. direction; but when we are under long-term stress and do not give our minds appropriate relief, our character will show an unhealthy and degenerative direction.

The Enneagram can accurately predict the direction of personality growth or regression, which is what makes the Enneagram different from other personality studies.

The direction of the arrow in the picture: forward is the type of personality reaction under stress, and reverse is the type of personality reaction under relaxation. This is the direction of growth and progress of this type. For example: Type 8 will show the characteristics of type 2 when they are relaxed and happy. If they want to grow more, they need to learn the characteristics of type 2. Type 8 will show the characteristics of type 5 under stress.

Learning the Enneagram, growth and regression is one of the very important theories. It helps us understand ourselves more completely and understand our reactions in life. It also reminds us that personality is only a part of our mature true self.

If you are interested in the Enneagram theory, we will provide you with more information about the Enneagram classification, Enneagram analysis and Enneagram analysis, as well as a detailed explanation of the Enneagram diagram. Enneagram theory is one of the most popular psychological theories in the world and is widely used in business management, team building and personal growth. Many well-known companies and academic institutions are using the Enneagram theory to improve employees’ execution and team collaboration efficiency.

In recent years, the Enneagram has been highly praised by MBA students from internationally renowned universities such as Stanford University in the United States. It is one of the most popular courses today and has become popular in European and American academia and business circles in the past decade. The management of the world’s top 500 companies all study the Enneagram and use it to train employees, build teams, and improve execution. As a personality psychology theory, the Enneagram has not yet been recognized by the mainstream psychology community in current society.

We hope that through this test, you can better understand your personality traits and behavior patterns to promote personal growth, enhance interpersonal relationships, and improve communication effectiveness. Please answer each question with confidence and we will provide you with a reliable Enneagram test result based on your answers.

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