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8 habits to improve your workplace influence

Do you want to stand out in the workplace and become an influential employee? Do you want to earn your supervisor's trust, recognition, and attention? If you think that as long as you complete your work tasks, don't ask too much, don't ask too much, and don't anger your boss, you can keep your job with peace of mind, then you are totally wrong. In this era of volatility and brutal competition, if...

How to restore energy? Try these 9 simple and effective methods

Energy is the basis of efficiency. If we lack energy, we will not be able to work and study optimally. So, what are some ways to effectively restore energy when we feel low on energy? Here are 9 simple yet effective habits that we hope will help you improve your energy levels. The first habit is to sleep more. Sleep is a source of energy, and if we don’t get enough sleep, it affects the function ...

10 key skills and habits to improve communication skills that you must know!

If you want to improve your communication skills, then you must read this article. We will share with you 10 key skills and habits to improve your communication skills, making your expression more effective, more engaging, and more interactive. Test how high your communication skills can be. Test address: Test how high your communication skills can be 1. Develop the habit of expressing your thou...

Is it a bad habit to press the alarm in the morning and get some sleep?

Do you often get woken up by your alarm clock in the morning and then press the snooze button, wanting to sleep a little longer? Do you think this makes you feel more comfortable and energetic? In fact, doing so may affect your physical and mental health. Let’s talk about why it’s a bad habit to press the alarm in the morning and sleep a little longer, and how to break it. ! The role and quality...

How to use bedtime habits to recall lost sleep?

Sleep is something we all do every day, but sometimes it's not so easy to do. Some people toss and turn in bed but cannot fall asleep; some people fall asleep but have been dreaming all night and wake up feeling exhausted. These are all symptoms of poor sleep quality, which will affect our physical and mental health and work efficiency. So, how to improve our sleep quality? In addition to paying ...

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