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From a psychological perspective, share 20 insights into life

Psychology is the science that studies human psychological activities and behaviors. It can help us better understand ourselves and others, and improve our quality of life and happiness. In this article, I will share 20 life insights from a psychological perspective, hoping to give you some inspiration and thinking. 1. Don’t deny your feelings easily, it is our inner voice. Our feelings are our r...

Are you caught among the top ten obstacles to career development?

In the workplace, we all hope to successfully achieve our goals, gain recognition from our bosses and colleagues, and enhance our value and status. However, sometimes we encounter difficulties and setbacks, and are even hindered by seemingly insignificant details. These details may be our own behavior or attitude, or it may be our communication or cooperation with others. If we do not discover and...

The darkest side of MBTI type 16 personality

Human personality is the result of a combination of factors. For everyone, there are dark sides and advantages of personality. Below we will use the sixteen personality types as the basis to explore the darkest side of each personality type to help readers better understand themselves and others. MBTI's sixteen-type personality theory divides human personality into sixteen types, each type has it...

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