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How do you tell if you really enjoy doing something? Try these thought experiments

We all have things we like to do, or want to do. But do we really understand our own preferences and motivations? Do we really love what we do? Sometimes, we may be influenced by external factors, such as money, reputation, social pressure, etc., and ignore our inner voice. In order to help us understand ourselves better, I introduce to you a set of classic thought experiments that can be used to ...

INTJ Aquarius: Innovator of rational thinking

Character traits: INTJ is a representative of rational and independent thinking, and is good at analyzing and solving problems. Aquarius is a sign with innovative and advanced ideas, focusing on independence and freedom. Combined, INTJ Aquarius is a person who is rich in depth of thought, pursues rationality and innovation, and focuses on independent thinking and free choice. advantage: INTJ Aqua...

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