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What is travel anxiety?

Anxiety is the feeling of fear that occurs when your body reacts to stress. It is characterized by worry, nervousness, and increased blood pressure. In the United States, approximately 18% of people suffer from anxiety disorders. Travel anxiety is the fear of going to an unfamiliar place. It can also include the stress of planning a trip. Even if you don't have a history of anxiety, the thought o...

What is social phobia?

We all know what it feels like to be nervous or uncomfortable in social situations. Maybe you're reticent when meeting new people, or your palms get sweaty before a big presentation. Public speaking or walking into a room full of strangers isn't exciting for everyone, but most people can get through it. If you suffer from social phobia (also known as social anxiety disorder), these situations may...

How to differentiate between normal anxiety and anxiety disorders? Here's a free psychological test!

Anxiety is a normal emotional response that we all feel when we are faced with stress, danger, or difficulty. However, if anxiety is excessive, persistent, or unreasonable, it may affect our quality of life and health. At this time, we may suffer from anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorder is a mental illness that comes in many different types and manifestations. According to statistics in the Unite...

Is it a good or bad habit to stick to negative news? How to get rid of the doomsday scrolling problem?

Why do we pay close attention to negative news? In this era of information explosion, we are exposed to all kinds of news every day, many of which are negative, depressing, and even scary. Epidemics, disasters, violence, conflicts... these events make us feel powerless and frightened, but also make us irresistibly want to know more. We constantly refresh the screen of our mobile phones and watch ...

What's wrong with feeling like something bad is happening whenever you feel happy? -Happy fear

Many people want to pursue a beautiful and happy life, but some people not only don't want to pursue happiness, they are even more afraid of feeling happy themselves. Some scholars call this psychological feeling 'happiness fear', which refers to people's irrational aversion and fear of 'feeling happy'. Note: Fear of happiness is not yet listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental D...

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