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10 useful ideas from 'Harvard Happiness Course'

How to improve happiness? Harvard professor shares 10 practical tips Happiness is the eternal pursuit of human beings, but how to improve happiness? In his 'Harvard Happiness Course', Harvard professor Tal Ben-Shahar shared 10 very useful ideas to help us find the secret to happiness. Accept your own imperfections. We are all human beings, not gods. We have flaws and we make mistakes. This is no...

What should you do if you feel nervous during a job interview?

In the process of finding a job, the interview is a very critical step. It is not only an important way to understand the job seeker, but also an important method for the company to screen suitable talents. However, during the interview process, many people will feel nervous to varying degrees, because the result of the interview will determine whether the applicant can be hired. Today, let’s talk...

How to use bedtime habits to recall lost sleep?

Sleep is something we all do every day, but sometimes it's not so easy to do. Some people toss and turn in bed but cannot fall asleep; some people fall asleep but have been dreaming all night and wake up feeling exhausted. These are all symptoms of poor sleep quality, which will affect our physical and mental health and work efficiency. So, how to improve our sleep quality? In addition to paying ...

Want to relax but can't get away from your worries? 2 tips to relax at the right time!

Do you feel anxious because the epidemic has repeatedly disrupted many plans? When faced with many unknowns, it is normal to feel worried. However, have you noticed any symptoms of anxiety in yourself? 1. Aches and pains everywhere in the body and tight muscles 2. Different thoughts are passing through my head and I cannot stop deliberately. 3. Feel tired easily 4. Difficulty concentrating !Wan...

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