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INFP Capricorn personality traits and lifestyle

Capricorn, are people of this zodiac sign very serious and serious? If you are an INFP Capricorn, you may have some unexpected qualities! Combination of INFP and Capricorn in MBTI First, let’s talk about MBTI. MBTI is a personality taxonomy that divides people into 16 different personality types. INFP people are representatives of introversion, intuition, emotion and perception. They are usually...

What psychological traits do you need to learn to become a person with high emotional intelligence?

The emotional intelligence we often talk about actually refers to emotional intelligence. Does it only refer to the ability to control emotions? What psychological traits do people with high emotional intelligence have? Is emotional intelligence innate or cultivated? What is emotional intelligence? First of all, from the perspective of emotional intelligence, emotions are not messy, nor are they...

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