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7 Tips for Coping with Social Anxiety

Everyone gets nervous in certain social situations. However, if you have social anxiety disorder (also called social phobia), daily activities can be extra challenging. You may be more self-conscious and fearful than others during social interactions, and may have low self-esteem. Test to see if you suffer from social phobia? https://psyctest.cn/t/2DxzJwxA/ But don’t let fear stop you from livi...

What is social phobia?

We all know what it feels like to be nervous or uncomfortable in social situations. Maybe you're reticent when meeting new people, or your palms get sweaty before a big presentation. Public speaking or walking into a room full of strangers isn't exciting for everyone, but most people can get through it. If you suffer from social phobia (also known as social anxiety disorder), these situations may...

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