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ESFP Taurus: Optimist who enjoys life

Character traits: ESFPs are typical extroverts and sentimentalists. They love social activities, pay attention to the quality of life, and are good at enjoying the present. Taurus, on the other hand, is a down-to-earth and stable person who pays attention to material life and financial security. Combined, ESFP Taurus is an optimistic and positive person who pays attention to the quality of life an...

ISTP Virgo: a rational and pragmatic practical doer

Overview: ISTP Virgo is a rational, pragmatic and practical person. They focus on practicality and practicality, are good at analyzing and solving problems, and also pay attention to personal planning and organization. They have strong analytical and logical abilities, like practice and innovation, and pay attention to their own quality and image. Profession: ISTP Virgos are suitable for careers ...

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