Among Type 16 personalities in the entertainment industry, what are the MBTI personality types of celebrities?

MBTI, short for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is a personality test that distinguishes the main functions that make up a person’s personality. There are two “general-attitude types”: extroversion (E) and introversion (I), and four “function types”: thinking (T), feeling (F), and feeling ( S) and intuition (N), combining these elements results in 16 different personalities. Although few people in the domestic entertainment industry have taken this personality test, we can speculate and match their most suitable personality type based on their performance in programs, variety shows, and interviews. A person’s MBTIs may change over time and as people grow. Here are just some current observations. If you have any comments or ideas, you can leave a friendly message for discussion. If you want to know more about the MBTI personality types of celebrities, you must not miss PsycTest’s ! Here, you can check their MBTI based on their names, and you can also test your own MBTI type for free. There are also various exciting articles waiting for you to explore. ##INTJ - Architect Imaginative and strategic thinker, everything is planned.

Lin Zhixuan, Li Jian, Zhang Ruoyun, Pu Yixing, Chen Daoming, Shang Wenjie, Zhang Zhen. INTJ stars are generally goal-oriented, decisive, and determined. They know what they want and are able to formulate feasible plans and put them into action. They have perfectionist tendencies. They generally have their own persistence and bottom line in their works, and the success of their works proves that their choices are correct. ##INTP - Logician A creative inventor with an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

Faye Wong, Pu Shu, Xu Song, Wu Bai, Zhou Yimin, Fan Xiaoxuan. In an environment like the entertainment industry where people need to please and cater to the audience, it is actually difficult for INTPs to use their strengths. However, if work requires it, INTPs will try to step out of their comfort zones. Their talents will make them a hit as soon as they come out. Dark horse. But they don’t have much energy, so they can’t always appear in the public eye. ##ENTJ - Commander Imaginative and strong-willed leader who always finds or creates solutions.

Hua Chenyu, Sun Honglei, Carina Lau, Jolin Tsai, Fu Seoul, Chen Sicheng, Chen Jianbin. In such a bloody place like the entertainment industry, becoming a leader requires not only excellent leadership skills, but also learning to assess the situation. Whether faced with difficult problems or emergencies, ENTJs can always turn problems into tasks and find solutions. Because they are confident, determined, and mentally strong, they will not be easily knocked down and can always become the hardest-working and dazzling “evergreen trees” in the entertainment industry. ##ENTP - Debater A smart and curious thinker who won’t give up on any intellectual challenge.

Da Zhangwei, Chen He, Deng Chao, Zhao Lusi, Sa Beining. ENTP is the personality type most suitable for comedy in the entertainment industry. They are smart and curious, and they are easy to come up with funny jokes. They like to argue with others and insist on competing to prove their intelligence and flexibility, which can always bring many comedic effects. Rather than sitting around and chatting in boredom, they prefer to have a brainstorm, an intense and interesting discussion, and the set with them will definitely not be boring. ##INFJ - The advocate is quiet and mysterious, yet inspiring and tireless idealist.

Tian Fuzhen, Hu Ge, He Jiong, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Yi Yang Qianxi, Tang Wei, Liu Yifei, Huang Xuan, Zhang Jingchu, Qiao Zhenyu , Zhou Keyu. In the entertainment industry, quietness does not seem to be a quality that makes a star competent, but the quietness of INFJs is soft-spoken but down-to-earth, and neither arrogant nor arrogant. They connect easily with others, their words are warm, emotional and humane, and they sparkle with altruism. They like to help others and do charity, but they often make themselves very tired because of their overzealousness. ##INFP - The Mediator is a poetic, kind-hearted altruist, always enthusiastic to help for the right cause.

Zhu Yilong, Leslie Cheung, Ma Tianyu, Chen Kaige, Cai Kangyong, Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Lin Yilian, Zheng Yunlong. Although they may seem quiet and shy, as long as they encounter something they love, happiness and inspiration will continue to come. At work, INFPs often project their true selves into their works to express their ideas. They are idealists and altruists. INFPs are generally considered to be very warm people in the entertainment industry. ##ENFJ - The protagonist is a charismatic and inspirational leader with the ability to captivate his audience.

They are natural leaders, charming and passionate, they are real and sincere, and fans are often attracted by them. Impressed by their strong charisma. They are very tolerant and enjoy working with teams, leading them, inspiring them, promoting communication, and can gain happiness and satisfaction from such collective work. ##ENFP - Enthusiastic, creative, social and free-spirited person who always finds a reason to smile.

Yang Chaoyue, Ning Jing, Liu Yuning, Bai Yu, Zhou Shen, Yang Zi, Xue Zhiqian, Duan Yihong. ENFP stars tend to be authentic on the show because they are truly free spirits. They don’t pretend, don’t follow the crowd, don’t like boring jobs, and like to make all kinds of friends. But sometimes their emotions become delicate and sensitive, and they are very concerned about the impact of their actions on society, family and friends. ##ISTJ - Logistician A practical and fact-oriented individual whose reliability is beyond question.

Yang Mi, Zhao Liying, Wang Sicong, Huang Lei, Wang Han, Zhang Yi. They are upright, pragmatic, and dedicated to their duties. They are very practical types and rarely have any whims. When facing a problem, ISTJ can grasp all the situations in the current environment, analyze and take the most practical and effective actions. They are quick-thinking, independent and establish their own rules and boundaries. She is stable and reliable at work, but generally separates work and life very clearly. ##ISFJ - Guardian A very dedicated and warm guardian, always ready to protect those he loves.

Cai Xukun, Liu Haoran, Zhang Jie, Liu Ye, Wang Baoqiang, Andy Lau, Sha Yi, Stephen Chow, AK Liu Zhang, Ding Zhen. They may seem quiet and introverted in private, but they become passionate and active once on stage. They are probably the type of stars who treat their fans best. They like a stable life, but they often require themselves to be meticulous at work, even to the point of perfectionism, because they attach great importance to their responsibilities and always try their best to satisfy others and themselves in order to achieve a kind of mental harmony. Stablize. ##ESTJ - General Manager Excellent manager, unparalleled in his ability to manage things or people.

Jin Xing, Wang Yuan, Wang Junkai, Ouyang Nana, Yi Nengjing, Zhou Xun, Liu Yan. They often have a very clear sense of right and wrong, because ESTJs know the rules of society very well. When faced with challenges at work or in life, they are never afraid and overcome obstacles along the way. At work, ESTJs are hard-working and down-to-earth examples, and this has become one of their good qualities. They can handle their work in an orderly manner and lead their teams and studios well. ##ESFJ - Archons are extremely compassionate, socialize with popular people, and are always eager to help.

Huang Xiaoming, Angelababy, Chen Hong, Li Landi, Lin Mo, Da S, Chen Chong. They are always the “most popular” person in the team because they are social animals and will always pay attention to changes in the environment and the actions of others. ESFJs don’t like conflicts and will play a mediating role in the team, but of course they will sometimes be opposed by one party. Whenever this happens, they can always set an example and become a role model, solving everything to the best of their ability, leaving others speechless. ##ISTP - Connoisseur Bold and practical experimenter, adept at using any form of tool.

Wang Yibo, Ni Ni, Mao Buyi, Bai Jingting, Edison Chen, Lin Gengxin, Wang Leehom, Wan Qian. ##ISFP - Explorers are flexible and charismatic artists, always ready to explore and experience new things.

Jay Chou, Huang Ling, Nicholas Tse, Nigmaiti, Ju Jingyi ISFP is the most suitable personality type to be an artist , they live in a colorful and sensual world, and use aesthetics, experience and knowledge to create works that subvert tradition. They can always discover new angles. But ISFPs are also out-and-out introverts. Sometimes they retreat behind the scenes to recharge their batteries, but when they reappear in the public eye, they change and launch new styles of works, because they have no time to spare even when they are in seclusion. Instead, we are creating and exploring new possibilities. ##ESTP - Entrepreneurs are smart, energetic and perceptive people who truly enjoy living on the edge.

Du Haitao, Jackie Chan, Guan Xiaotong, Huang Bo, Shen Teng, Wu Qihua, Shen Mengchen. ESTPs have a simple and direct sense of humor. They like to be the center of attention in the crowd. They are always full of energy and actively participate in various conversations. They like to discuss and enjoy the present moment. At work, they like to do whatever they say and enjoy the excitement and drama brought by the unknown and difficulties. ESTPs are afraid of boring work and life, and always like to break some rules to create more exciting opportunities. ##ESFP - Spontaneous, energetic and enthusiastic performers, life around them is never boring.

Li Xiaolu, Zhang Yishan, Wei Daxun, Luo Zhixiang, Xie Na. They are the kind of people who will suddenly hum a tune to themselves on the show. ESFPs not only like to cheer themselves up, but also like to encourage others. For them, the most important thing is that everyone is happy together. They are not only the shining presence in the crowd, but they never monopolize the spotlight and encourage their friends to shine their own light. Whenever they encounter something new and interesting, they can always immediately call their friends to play and explore together. What personality type are you? What similarities do you have with them? Leave a message and chat!

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