family/marriage: Blog Post

family/marriage: Blog Post

Best Mother's Day Gifts

In many countries, Mother's Day falls on this Sunday. If you believe the advertising, that means you'd better buy your mom roses and jewelry—maybe even a new car if you can manage it. So, what’s the best gift for Mother’s Day? It depends on your mom's personality type. A Diplomat Mom might appreciate a meaningful note, while a Defender Mom might prefer a physical gift, like a handbag that reminds...

How to help families move forward? Save these 20 suggestions

Family is an important part of life. A happy and harmonious family can bring us endless warmth and motivation. However, it is not an easy task to make the family move forward. It requires both husband and wife to work together and follow some basic principles and methods. Here, I have compiled 20 suggestions for you, I hope it will be helpful to you. 1. Positioning: Family members must position t...

MBTI Mother’s Guide: Which of the 16 MBTI personality types is your mother?

MBTI is a widely used personality classification that divides personality into four dimensions: extroversion (E) or introversion (I), feeling (S) or intuition (N), and thinking (T) or feeling (F) , Judgment (J) or Perception (P). According to the combination of these four dimensions, 16 different personality types can be obtained, each type has its own characteristics and advantages. So, what per...

How to get rid of the psychological shadow of domestic violence and regain confidence and happiness

Domestic violence is an act of violence between family members that may involve physical, mental or sexual abuse. Domestic violence typically involves violent or controlling behavior by one or more family members against another person or persons, which may include a spouse, parents, children, relatives or others living in the same household or residence. Domestic violence is a very serious socia...

Do fathers understand the mental load on mothers?

Can fathers share some of the hard work of mothers? Mothers are busy every day, washing clothes, cooking, organizing housework, taking care of children, and dealing with various trivial matters. Their work is never finished. And what about dads? Can they share family responsibilities with mothers so that mothers can have more time and energy to do the things they like? In the Netherlands, women ...

Does the size of the wedding, the value of the ring, the location of the honeymoon... affect marital happiness? You must know these factors!

A wedding is one of the most important moments in life and the highest commitment to love. But, did you know that your wedding choices, such as the number of guests, the value of your engagement ring, whether to go on a honeymoon, etc., may affect the quality of your marriage? This article will reveal some scientific findings for you, so that you can make more informed decisions when planning your...

Urging marriage is a kind of violence, and young people not getting married is the most responsible sign of marriage.

There is a phenomenon in society today that young people are always urged to get married by their parents. These parents may feel that they are thinking about their children's happiness, but in fact they may not realize that their behavior is a form of violence and disrespect for their children's feelings and marriage. The consequences of urging marriage: irresponsible marriage !urge to marry P...

7 Ways to Help You Maintain Yourself and Intimacy at Home

Family is the cradle of our growth and our closest interpersonal relationship. However, families are not always harmonious and happy, and sometimes there are conflicts, contradictions, disappointments and other emotions. How do we maintain our selves and intimacy within our families, taking care of our own needs while maintaining the bond between our families? ! Why are you affected by your fami...

Does being sexually open mean being able to speak freely? How to respect your partner and discuss sex safely

In real life, not everyone will be like the American TV series 'Sex and the City', where daily conversations with friends are filled with a lot of sexual topics, and they often discuss their own sexual experiences. Maybe you can talk to your closest friends about almost anything. But when it comes to sex, do you joke about it to cover up your awkward discomfort, or are you able to speak freely ab...

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