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There are two forms of aggressive personality disorder, which one do you have? Come and test it out!

What is Aggressive Personality Disorder? Aggressive personality disorder is a common psychological problem characterized by emotional instability, impulsive behavior, reckless behavior, and lack of self-control. This personality disorder mostly occurs in adolescence and young and middle-aged years. Patients often have immature psychology, poor judgment, are easily influenced by others, have a hos...

The 16 personality types of MBTI correspond to 16 life scripts. Which drama is your life like?

The 16 personality types of MBTI correspond to 16 life scripts. Which drama is your life like?
do you know? Your personality type can determine your life script! Are you surprised? Next, we will reveal to you what kind of drama your life is like! Free MBTI Personality Test First, you need to take a simple test to determine your personality type. This test is called MBTI, and it is one of the most popular personality tests in the world. It can divide people into 16 different types, each wi...

Social Phobia: You Are Not Alone

Have you ever had this experience: when speaking in public, your heart beats faster, your lips become dry, and your voice trembles; when attending a party or date, you worry that you will say the wrong thing or make embarrassing moves that will make others look down on you; when interacting with strangers When people communicate, I feel like I have nothing to say, I don’t know how to break the sil...

MBTI Personality Encyclopedia: ENTP - Debater Personality

MBTI Personality Encyclopedia: ENTP - Debater Personality
Debater Personality (ENTP) is a personality type among the 16 personalities. Among them, `E` stands for extroversion, `N` stands for intuition, `T` stands for reason, and `P` stands for perception. People with the Debator personality type are deliberately contrary people who are good at cutting ideas and beliefs into pieces and scattering them in the air for all to see. In contrast to more determ...

MBTI Personality Encyclopedia: INFJ - Advocate Personality

MBTI Personality Encyclopedia: INFJ - Advocate Personality
Advocate personality (INFJ, Advocate Personality) is a personality type among the 16 personalities. Among them, `I` stands for introversion, `N` stands for intuition, `F` stands for emotion, and `J` stands for independence. People with the Advocate personality type have contributions to the world that cannot be ignored. They have an innate sense of idealism and morality, but what really sets them...

MBTI Personality Encyclopedia: ENFP - Campaigner Personality

MBTI Personality Encyclopedia: ENFP - Campaigner Personality
Campaigner Personality (ENFP, Campaigner Personality) is a personality type among the 16 personalities. Among them, `E` stands for extroversion, `N` stands for intuition, `F` stands for emotion, and `P` stands for dependence. People with the Campaigner personality type are truly free spirits. They are often the life of the party, but they enjoy the social and emotional connections they make with ...

MBTI Personality Encyclopedia: ESTJ - General Manager Personality

MBTI Personality Encyclopedia: ESTJ - General Manager Personality
Executive Personality (ESTJ, Executive Personality) is a personality type among the 16 personalities. Among them, `E` stands for extroversion, `S` stands for practicality, `T` stands for rationality, and `J` stands for independence. People with the General Manager personality type are representatives of tradition and order, using their understanding of right, wrong, and social standards to unite ...

MBTI personality encyclopedia: ESFJ - Archon personality

MBTI personality encyclopedia: ESFJ - Archon personality
Consul Personality (ESFJ) is a personality type among the 16 personalities. Among them, `E` stands for extroversion, `S` stands for practicality, `F` stands for emotion, and `J` stands for independence. The word that best describes the Archons is 'popular.' In high school, they are often the cheerleaders or quarterbacks, in the spotlight leading the team to victory and glory. Later in life, Archo...

MBTI Personality Encyclopedia: ISFP - Explorer Personality

MBTI Personality Encyclopedia: ISFP - Explorer Personality
Explorer Personality (ISFP, Adventurer Personality) is a personality type among the 16 personalities. Among them, `I` stands for introversion, `S` stands for practicality, `F` stands for emotion, and `P` stands for perception. People with the Explorer personality type are true artists, which does not mean that they are painters in the usual sense of happily going out into the countryside to paint...

The secret of first love: Why does it make our hearts flutter?

“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” ― William Shakespeare. First love is one of the most unforgettable experiences in many people's lives. Whether it's sweet memories or painful regrets, first love leaves a lasting impression on us. Why is first love so special? What impact does it have on our lives and love? ! First love is an intense emotional experience First love usually occurs durin...

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