Psychological Test|Social Phobia Self-Assessment Scale Online Test

Psychological Test|Social Phobia Self-Assessment Scale Online Test

Mental/Health 10 1 Minutes 4

Social phobia is a psychological disorder characterized by intense fear or apprehension of social or public situations, and the resulting effort to avoid them. People with social phobia usually fear making a fool of themselves in front of others, being judged, or being rejected, causing them to encounter many difficulties and inconveniences in their daily lives. The causes of social phobia may be related to genetic, neurobiochemical, psychosocial factors and other factors, but there are currently no precise diagnostic standards and treatments.

In order to help patients with social phobia and related people understand their symptoms and extent, PsycTest launched an online psychological test - the Social Phobia Self-Assessment Scale. This is a simple and effective testing tool. You only need to answer 10 questions to get a preliminary assessment result, as well as corresponding suggestions and guidance.

The questions on the Social Phobia Self-Assessment Scale cover the main manifestations and effects of social phobia, such as speaking in front of important people, blushing in front of people, participating in social activities, talking to strangers, letting others comment, and avoiding self-centered things. things, speaking in public, doing things under the attention of others, seeing strangers trembling and panicking, dreaming about making a fool of yourself while talking to others, etc.

Each question has four answer choices, representing rarely or never, sometimes, often, and always. Based on your actual situation, choose the answer that best suits you, then submit the test, and you will get a score and a result. The higher the score, the more severe the symptoms of social phobia and the need for more attention and help. The results were divided into four levels: patients with no social phobia, mild symptoms, borderline, and very severe symptoms. Each level has corresponding explanations and suggestions, such as seeking professional help, undergoing psychotherapy or medication, improving self-evaluation and social skills, increasing social activities and contacts, etc.

The Social Phobia Self-Assessment Scale is a free, convenient and fast online psychological test designed to provide a way for patients with social phobia and related people to understand themselves and help themselves. The Social Phobia Self-Rating Scale is not a diagnostic standard, nor can it replace professional psychological evaluation and treatment. It is for reference and entertainment only. If you have questions or concerns about your social phobia, or your social phobia has seriously affected your quality of life and happiness, we recommend that you seek professional psychological consultation and treatment in time to overcome your fear and anxiety , restore your confidence and courage, and enjoy your social life.

If you want to know more about social phobia, or if you want to participate in more psychological tests and activities, please visit the official website of PsycTest, or follow our WeChat public account, we will provide you with the latest, The most comprehensive and interesting psychological tests and psychological services to make your mental health better.

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