Fun psychological test: What type of ideal lover do you think you have?

Love/Relationship 3 1 minute 2

Psychology tells us that meeting true love is not accidental, but regular. It depends on your “love personality”. “Love Personality Theory” believes that the lover who is most suitable for you subconsciously is the person who matches your lifestyle, emotional pattern, experience, outlook and personality. Whether two people can finally get married and fly together like butterflies, the most important reason may not be the instant flash of lightning, nor is it the talent and beauty of a well-matched couple. The most important thing is whether the two personalities can fit together like two gears, even if their sizes, shapes and rotational speeds are completely different. Everyone will have an ideal lover in their heart. He will share happiness when he is happy, support him when he is sad, and guide him when he is confused. Complete this psychological test to find out what type of ideal lover you have in mind.

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