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Revealing the true portrayal of the 16 MBTI personalities in the office

Do you know what it would be like if 16 MBTI personalities worked in the same company? Today, we will reveal this interesting topic and see if your colleagues or boss think the same as you! ##What is MBTI MBTI is a personality classification method based on psychology. It divides people's personalities into 16 types. Each type is represented by four letters, which respectively represent people's t...

When asked during an interview, "How many days will it take for you to start work after admission?" What is the best answer?

Job seekers are always asked many questions during job-hopping interviews. One of the common questions is "how many days can you start work after being accepted?" In this regard, a netizen asked out of curiosity what the best answer would be if asked, "How many days after admission can I go to work?" and what would be the best time to respond from other people who have experienced it. ! When a...

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