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Five-ball philosophy of life, are you playing it right?

Each of us is a clown, playing with these five balls in our life: family, work, health, friends and soul. Among the five balls, only the work ball is made of rubber and will bounce back when smashed. The other four balls are made of glass and will never recover after being smashed. This sentence sounds very philosophical and very realistic. Each of us is going through different stages of life, c...

How to identify a soul mate? 40 simple criteria will tell you the answer

'You appeared in front of me, and I remembered your appearance. This city is a paradise for lovers, and you are my soul mate.' But, in this world, is there really such a person who is in harmony with your soul? The answer is, of course! From a psychological point of view, a 'soul mate' is actually the person who is highly compatible with you in all aspects such as emotional style, values, habit...

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