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4 manifestations of “pseudo-diligence”

Pseudo-diligence may seem like a sign of diligence on paper, but in fact it is an inefficient or even ineffective behavior. Professor Jordan Peterson, a well-known psychology expert, has summarized four manifestations of pseudo-diligence. Let us understand them one by one. 1. Pseudo-diligent people will spend a lot of time doing the easiest things and show off their hard work everywhere. This b...

Bill Gates talks about how to build your own knowledge tree to help you learn and remember more efficiently.

Bill Gates talks about how to build your own knowledge tree to help you learn and remember more efficiently. If you read enough, you'll find connections between knowledge, which makes memorization easier. New knowledge often has similarities with old knowledge that has been mastered. When you build a broad framework of knowledge, you have a place to store all kinds of information. When learning ...

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