Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI | Do you know the other side of ESTJ? Uncovering the secrets of shadow functional personality

Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI | Do you know the other side of ESTJ? Uncovering the secrets of shadow functional personality

##What is shadow functional personality? Shadow functional personality is a concept in Jung’s eight-dimensional + MBTI theory. It refers to the part of a person’s personality type that is opposite to oneself. Shadow functional personality is usually hidden in the subconscious and only emerges in specific situations. The transformation rule for shadow functional personality is that if you replace the first and fourth letters of a personality with opposite letters, you will get a shadow personality. For example, the shadow functional personality of ESTJ is ISTP. PS This article is suitable for readers who already have a basic understanding of the concept of Jung’s Eight Dimensions (MBTI Cognitive Function). If you have not yet understood the relevant concepts, you can , or search for relevant information by yourself. ##What does the ESTJ’s shadow function personality look like? ESTJ is a personality type dominated by extroversion, feeling, thinking, and judgment. They are usually leaders with a sense of responsibility, order, and efficiency, and are good at organization, management, and execution. The shadow function personality of ESTJ is ISTP, which is a personality type dominated by introversion, feeling, thinking, and perception. They are usually explorers with adventurous spirit, flexibility, and practicality, and are good at analysis, solution, and creation. The ESTJ’s shadow function personality is a side they are unwilling to face because it goes against their values ​​and behavior. ESTJ’s shadow function personality may manifest in the following situations: - When ESTJs feel too stressed and unable to complete tasks according to their own plans and standards, they may become passive, evasive, rebellious, and abandon their responsibilities and obligations , and even engage in some impulsive and dangerous behaviors, such as drinking, gambling, driving fast, etc. - When ESTJs feel ignored, misunderstood, and criticized, they may become sensitive, have low self-esteem, doubt their own abilities and values, resist other people’s opinions and suggestions, and even make some indifferent and hurtful behaviors. Human speech, such as sarcasm, ridicule, insult, etc. - When ESTJs feel bored, monotonous, and lacking stimulation, they may become curious, adventurous, and innovative, seeking some new and interesting experiences and challenges, such as travel, sports, art, etc., and even make some inappropriate and inappropriate Responsible choices, such as changing jobs, changing partners, changing lifestyles, etc. ##How does ESTJ live in harmony with his shadow function personality? The shadow function personality of ESTJ is not entirely a bad thing. It also has some positive effects, such as helping ESTJ relax themselves, expand their horizons, and increase their flexibility and creativity. If ESTJ can correctly understand and accept their shadow function personality, they will be able to better balance their personality traits and enhance their personal growth. ESTJs can live in harmony with their shadow function personality through the following methods: - When ESTJs feel too stressed, they can give themselves some space and time to release their introverted feeling function, such as listening to music and watching movies. , doing handicrafts, etc., which can help ESTJ relax their emotions, reduce their stress, and restore their enthusiasm and efficiency. - When ESTJs feel ignored, misunderstood, or criticized, they can appropriately confide their feelings to their close partners or friends to release their introverted thinking function, such as writing diaries, chatting, consulting, etc. This can Help ESTJs clarify their thoughts, enhance their confidence and value, and improve their interpersonal relationships. - When ESTJs feel bored, monotonous, and lacking stimulation, they can appropriately try some new and interesting things to release their extraverted perception function, such as learning, traveling, sports, art, etc., which can help ESTJs enrich themselves. Live your own life, expand your horizons, and increase your flexibility and creativity. ##Summary ESTJ’s shadow functional personality is an indispensable part of them. Only by correctly understanding and accepting their shadow functional personality can ESTJs be able to better utilize their advantages, overcome their disadvantages, and realize their potential. Become a more complete and happier person. > 📖 Read ###MBTI Type 16 Free Online Test If you still don’t know your MBTI personality type or If you want to retest whether your personality type has changed, PsycTest officially provides a free MBTI Type 16 Professional Personality Test, which we hope will be helpful to you. MBTI free test address:

Link to this article: https://psyctest.cn/article/vWx11JxX/

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