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How to use SWOT analysis to discover your character strengths

What is SWOT analysis? SWOT analysis is a method of evaluating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that can help you gain a more comprehensive understanding of your own or other objects' internal and external environments. SWOT is the abbreviation of four English words, which stand for: Strengths: The unique strengths, resources, skills, and abilities you possess that set you apart...

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|ISFP, you have a hidden self, do you know? Reveal your shadow function personality!

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|ISFP, you have a hidden self, do you know? Reveal your shadow function personality!
Have you ever experienced times when you behaved and thought completely differently than usual, to the point where you even surprised and confused yourself? Have you ever felt like, sometimes, you have a completely different version of yourself inside that contradicts and conflicts with your surface self? If your answer is yes, then you may have been in touch with your shadow functioning personali...

Professional personality test tools commonly used by HR

Psychology Character and Personality## From a psychological point of view, character is completely different from personality. Although psychologists have many different views on the psychological meaning of personality, it usually refers to a person's relatively stable psychological characteristics and behavioral tendencies. The meaning of personality we talk about in daily communication actuall...

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENFJ's shadow functional personality, how to give full play to its advantages and achieve self-growth?

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENFJ's shadow functional personality, how to give full play to its advantages and achieve self-growth?
Have you ever had the experience that sometimes you exhibit behaviors or thoughts that are inconsistent with your usual personality traits, leaving you confused or surprised? Have you ever thought about where these behaviors or thoughts come from, and what meaning and effect they have on you? If you are interested in these questions, this article may give you some inspiration. The topic of this a...

Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENTP’s shadow functional personality, do you know? After reading this article, you will be surprised!

Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENTP’s shadow functional personality, do you know? After reading this article, you will be surprised!
Have you ever had such an experience? Sometimes you will show some behaviors or thoughts that are not consistent with your usual personality. For example, you are usually very outgoing and open, but sometimes you become very introverted and conservative, or you You are usually very rational and objective, but sometimes you become very emotional and subjective? These may be your shadow function per...

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|What is your shadow function personality? INTP's shadow function personality analysis allows you to understand yourself better!

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|What is your shadow function personality? INTP's shadow function personality analysis allows you to understand yourself better!
Have you ever had the experience that sometimes you exhibit behaviors and attitudes that are completely different from your usual personality, leaving you surprised and confused? Have you ever had the feeling that sometimes you are troubled by thoughts and emotions that are completely opposite to your usual values, making you feel conflicted and depressed? If your answer is yes, then you may have ...

Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ISTP’s shadow functional personality, the other side you don’t know!

Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ISTP’s shadow functional personality, the other side you don’t know!
Have you ever had the experience that sometimes you show some behaviors and attitudes that are different from usual, even surprising or confusing yourself or others? Have you ever wondered where these unusual performances come from, and what is their significance and value? If you are an ISTP, then you may be interested in your shadow function personality, because it can help you better understand...

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|Is there a dark side to your personality? INTJ’s shadow function personality revealed

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|Is there a dark side to your personality? INTJ’s shadow function personality revealed
Have you ever had such an experience? Sometimes you will show some behaviors or thoughts that are not consistent with your usual personality characteristics. For example, you are usually an introverted, rational, and innovative INTJ, but sometimes you will become extroverted. , emotional, traditional, even a little nonsensical? These characteristics that are opposite to your main personality are y...

Learn more about the MBTI Personality Type Indicator

What is the MBTI personality type indicator? MBTI personality type indicator is a tool widely used in career planning, team building, personal development and other aspects. By classifying personal preferences and behaviors, the MBTI personality type indicator can help us better understand ourselves and others, and provide us with some valuable reference information. The MBTI Personality Type In...

Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENTJ’s shadow function personality analysis reveals the leader-type personality transformation!

Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENTJ’s shadow function personality analysis reveals the leader-type personality transformation!
Have you ever had such an experience? Sometimes you will show some behaviors or thoughts that are not consistent with your usual personality characteristics. For example, you are usually very rational and decisive, but sometimes you become very emotional and hesitant, or you Are you usually outgoing and proactive, but sometimes become introverted and passive? These may be your shadow function pers...

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