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How to differentiate between normal anxiety and anxiety disorders? Here's a free psychological test!

Anxiety is a normal emotional response that we all feel when we are faced with stress, danger, or difficulty. However, if anxiety is excessive, persistent, or unreasonable, it may affect our quality of life and health. At this time, we may suffer from anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorder is a mental illness that comes in many different types and manifestations. According to statistics in the Unite...

Do you suffer from anxiety? How to Recognize and Deal with Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are common psychological disorders that cause people to feel excessive worry, fear, or nervousness, affecting their daily lives and work. This article will introduce the definition, symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention methods of anxiety disorders, hoping to help you understand and deal with this psychological problem. Definition of Anxiety Disorder Anxiety disorder is a ...

What is social phobia?

What is social phobia?
We all know what it feels like to be nervous or uncomfortable in social situations. Maybe you're reticent when meeting new people, or your palms get sweaty before a big presentation. Public speaking or walking into a room full of strangers isn't exciting for everyone, but most people can get through it. If you suffer from social phobia (also known as social anxiety disorder), these situations may...

What are depression and anxiety? What's the difference between them? How to treat? One article tells you all the answers!

What are depression and anxiety? What's the difference between them? How to treat? One article tells you all the answers!
How to deal with depression and anxiety Depression and anxiety are two different mood disorders that can have negative effects on your body and mind. Depression causes you to fall into a persistent low mood and lose your enthusiasm and motivation for life. Anxiety causes you to feel uncontrollable fear or worry that affects your daily activities and relationships. Sometimes, you may suffer from b...

Is being efficient and biting your nails actually 'high-functioning anxiety'?

Have you ever heard of “High-Functioning Anxiety”? This is not a formal name for a disease, but describes your behavioral state. For example: when you are nervous or anxious, you can't help but make small movements such as biting your nails and scratching your head, you are obviously tired at night but can't sleep, you want to take care of everything. Everything is listed on the calendar. Althoug...

What is travel anxiety?

What is travel anxiety?
Anxiety is the feeling of fear that occurs when your body reacts to stress. It is characterized by worry, nervousness, and increased blood pressure. In the United States, approximately 18% of people suffer from anxiety disorders. Travel anxiety is the fear of going to an unfamiliar place. It can also include the stress of planning a trip. Even if you don't have a history of anxiety, the thought o...

7 Tips for Coping with Social Anxiety

7 Tips for Coping with Social Anxiety
Everyone gets nervous in certain social situations. However, if you have social anxiety disorder (also called social phobia), daily activities can be extra challenging. You may be more self-conscious and fearful than others during social interactions, and may have low self-esteem. Test to see if you suffer from social phobia? But don’t let fear stop you from livi...

What is depression?

What is depression?
Depression, also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, is a mood disorder whose symptoms include persistent sadness or lack of interest in life. Most of us feel sad, lonely, or depressed at times. This is a normal reaction to loss, struggles in life, or damaged self-esteem. But when intense sadness—which includes feeling helpless, hopeless, and worthless—lasts from days to wee...

The brain feels blue: Where do we place our emotions?

There are many angles to explain depression and anxiety, such as psychological, social, physiological, etc., and the evolutionary angle may be something you have never thought of. Do you think that suffering from depression or anxiety is because your brain is sick? Author Anders Hansen, a psychiatrist, tells you that your brain is actually working pretty well! ! We are all animals We often forg...

Understanding, diagnosing and treating obsessive-compulsive disorder

Do you often have this problem: repeatedly checking the doors, windows, and gas before going out, resulting in being late or unable to go out at all? Or can't stand a little bit of mess and always have to put things in order and wash hands/mop the floor constantly? Or constantly checking the bills that have been calculated and the exam papers that have been written? If you find yourself repeatedly...

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