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The darkest side of MBTI type 16 personality

Human personality is the result of a combination of factors. For everyone, there are dark sides and advantages of personality. Below we will use the sixteen personality types as the basis to explore the darkest side of each personality type to help readers better understand themselves and others. MBTI's sixteen-type personality theory divides human personality into sixteen types, each type has it...

Do you suspect you have depression? Not really.

Do you suspect you have depression? Not really.
Many mental health and medical conditions have similar symptoms to depression—such as fatigue and sleep problems—so you may think you have depression when you actually don't. Here are the facts about depression, disorders with similar symptoms, and how to tell them apart. Depression: The Basics Depression is a common mental health condition that affects the way you feel, think, and behave. You ...

Gambling addiction and its treatment and prevention measures based on the Zhang Jike incident

Recently, rumors that Zhang Jike, a famous Chinese table tennis player, was involved in gambling debts and sold private photos with female celebrities have attracted public attention on social media. As an Olympic champion and a representative figure of the Chinese table tennis team, his behavior is surprising and regrettable. From a personal point of view, Zhang Jike's behavior is not only illega...

A quiz designed by a Harvard Ph.D. to reveal your attitude towards uncertainty!

A quiz designed by a Harvard Ph.D. to reveal your attitude towards uncertainty!
Have you ever felt like you were flustered and overwhelmed when faced with an important decision? Do you have such a regret, when you miss a rare opportunity, you will feel regretful and unable to let go? Have you ever had the confusion that when you pursue a big dream, you feel powerless and unable to achieve it? If you suffer from these problems, you may be an ambiguity avoider. What does it me...

True interpretation of MBTI personality type: ENTJ - Commander

MBTI personality type: ENTJ Commander ENTJs are strategic leaders with a passion for organizational change. They quickly identify inefficiencies and come up with new solutions, and are willing to make long-term plans to realize their vision. They are good at logical reasoning and are usually articulate and quick-witted. !ENTJ ENTJ personality type Analytical and objective, ENTJs like to bring ...

MBTI——Detailed explanation of NF type

There are 16 personality types in the MBTI classification system, each of which consists of tendencies along four dimensions (extroversion-introversion, feeling-intuition, thinking-emotion, and judgment-perception). These four dimensions produce 16 different personality types, which are divided into four groups: SP type, SJ type, NF type and NT type. NF type: idealist, spiritual leader !MBTI Per...

Why do I feel guilty when I'm obviously fine?

Research shows that since 2019, social movements have caused great mental distress to many Hong Kong people, and many people will feel guilty and self-blame. If you feel chronically guilty during this period, you may want to pay attention to whether you have 'survivor's guilt' or even post-traumatic stress disorder. What is survivor guilt? Survivor guilt is one of the symptoms of post-traumatic ...

Can you be your ideal self by the age of 30?

As a senior bourgeois woman, Xiao Ke has passed the age of 30 many years ago, but she often regrets in her midnight dreams: If she had done more, would things be different now? Observing the successful female friends around me, I concluded that if you do it before the age of 30, you will not be able to buy 6 things that you already know! ! 1. Learn foreign languages well Xiaoke majored in Japan...

Professional personality test tools commonly used by HR

Psychology Character and Personality## From a psychological point of view, character is completely different from personality. Although psychologists have many different views on the psychological meaning of personality, it usually refers to a person's relatively stable psychological characteristics and behavioral tendencies. The meaning of personality we talk about in daily communication actuall...

Career Anchor Questionnaire: Discover your career motivation and direction

With the changes in the workplace environment and people's needs for career development, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to their career anchors. Career anchor refers to the core of a person's career value and sense of accomplishment, and represents an individual's career preferences and concerns. The Career Anchor Questionnaire is a tool to assess personal career anchors and c...

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